New EA sendspace thread

fedaykin13 wrote:this is probably a shot in the dark
but someone posted either here or on the eaforums gmail account
a recording of Low at the 9:30 club
they did a cover of Pink Floyd's "Fearless"

anyone know what the guitar player is playing-playing through
that guitar sound is awesome

Its this nice custom Tele.

I have their recorded version of this song. After my exam tomorrow, I'll sendspace it to you guys? Get their Bsides collection; its on there along with other great songs and a DVD.

I can post a few other selections from that compilation if you guys want too.

- Chet

New EA sendspace thread

chrisc wrote:
fedaykin13 wrote:a recording of Low at the 9:30 club
they did a cover of Pink Floyd's "Fearless"

This was posted here in a 3 pack of shows. A repost would be great. My ipod decided to die with all of these on there.


PLEASE REPOST THIS and I will shower you all with lovely downloadable gifts. 5 records...this is my payment.
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

New EA sendspace thread

Pasta wrote:
Robert G wrote:Cheers for God Save The King. I once found at random an mp3 of the track with David Byrne being extra-psychotic, more so than he is on any of the Talking Heads albums. Always wanted to hear where it came from.

This is NOT God Save The King, this is the Album "The League Of Gentlemen" there is NO Dave Byrn on this. I can post God Save later today if people are interested, as far as I know this is the only other material released of this truly kick ass band.

Sorry that I pissed in your lemonade there. I did some research concerning my confusion, and once upon a time due to the madness of the CD becoming industry standard, there were indeed CD versions that combined God Save The King and The League of Gentlemen, and my mp3 of with David Byrne is labeled as the League. So, I apologize for my gross mistake of confusing the two.

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