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charliedon'tsurf wrote:
gse wrote:This is Scout. He actually died on the weekend. poisoned by a tick and a snake. Sad sad week

Hold on a sec, in Australia ticks and snakes have formed sophisticated alliances to poison other species? Sorry about your cat, but that freaks me out. Are ticks and snakes also poisoning people down under?

Could be a secret alliance..i hope not. My cat had been poisoned by ticks about 5 or 6 times in the past 5 years but usually he'd just come home, let me know he was sick and id take him to the vet. Hed do his overnight stay get his tick syrum and come home. I dont know which came first. Wether he was too sick from the tick to fight off the snake (a favourite passtime for cats in my area) or if he was snake bitten and then pushed over the edge by the tick poison but in the end it was just too much for the little guy. He will be sadly missed
Thanks for the condolences.
her is a cute pic of scout and his deceased brother, Mr Brozny ( he also died from tick poisoning about 3 years ago)

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I've never heard of a poisonous tic. Sure, they can carry Lyme disease, and probably other diseases, (for instance, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever), but outright poisonous? I will have to do a search on that.

What kind of snake was it bit by?
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Mark Hansen wrote:I've never heard of a poisonous tic. Sure, they can carry Lyme disease, and probably other diseases, (for instance, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever), but outright poisonous? I will have to do a search on that.

What kind of snake was it bit by?

Im in Australia. Just about every little creepy crawly is poisonous. Not really but there are many. The poisonous ticks are known as paralisis ticks (not sure of the correct name) and at this time of the year they are in abundance where i am. they can easily kill most cats and dogs if the animal does not get help. The snake was most likely a brown snake as they are the most common poisonous snake around here. If scout was just bitten by one or the other the vet could have helped him through it but both together he had no chance.

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mr.arrison wrote:he's turned out to be quite the gentleman cat even though he has a bread stealing fetish.

One of my cats is obsessed with the smell of fresh bread and rolls. No matter where I hide them he finds it. And when he gets to it he doesn't just fuck with one piece - he'll bite or claw every piece and ruin the whole thing.
Dr. Geek wrote:I once found a soggy dollar floating in a puddle on the side of the street. I carefully picked it out of the water before it sank to the bottom. It smelled funny after it dried.

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