
Total votes: 16 (35%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 30 (65%)
Total votes: 46

TV show: Heroes

DrAwkward wrote:
floog wrote:
DrAwkward wrote:That being said, the American-centric-ness of the plot and tagline is noted. But hey, America's reach over the rest of the world is unfortunately pretty lengthy. USA! USA! USA!

I don't mind the US-centricity - it's an American show after all, with American writers and actors, set in America! It's the world/America conflation that's troubling...but I like your explanation, so I guess I'll just have to be patient...

Yeah. If you've read Alan Moore's Watchmen, it's sort of a ripoff of that if you think about it. Which i think someone else mentioned earlier in this thread...

yep saving NYC not= save the world, they really didn't mean it that way.

also note that Save the Annoying LIndsay Lohan Wanna Be - Save the World was just a line that the evil SUITS decided to make a marketing campaign. I don't think the writers meant for it to become like "Theres only one ROCTOBER!"

TV show: Heroes

DrAwkward wrote:Yeah. If you've read Alan Moore's Watchmen, it's sort of a ripoff of that if you think about it. Which i think someone else mentioned earlier in this thread...

Yeah, it is very similar to that. The Wiki entry on heroes talks about criticism for it being too X-Men like, which I can see a bit of, but not too much. I mean, all team comics are sort of similar in that there's people with powers, and often the outside world doesn't understand them. The Watchmen thing is, I think, a more valid criticism/rip off, though I think it was pulled off well enough and different enough that it's its own thing.

There seem to be some definite influences from the War on Terror and the culture of fear in the whole bomb plotline. Not sure if it's criticism in any way though, or just using current events as inspiration.

TV show: Heroes

nathan to nathan: "i AM you!"


peter to peter: "i can't hide anymore, i can't hide anymore, i can't hide...."


muscle mimic monica to micah: "i'm just looking for answers."

1 minute later...

knock knock
saresh to monica: "i know you must have questions... i am here to give you answers."


oh boy. some real gems tonight.

TV show: Heroes

kenoki wrote:nathan to nathan: "i AM you!"


peter to peter: "i can't hide anymore, i can't hide anymore, i can't hide...."


muscle mimic monica to micah: "i'm just looking for answers."

1 minute later...

knock knock
saresh to monica: "i know you must have questions... i am here to give you answers."


oh boy. some real gems tonight.

the worst episode evAR it seemed. almost unwatchable.

And I predict that gay lil Michah character is going to grow up to be Fred Savage ugly, and prolly gay.

I don't see much hope for season 2, I never thought an episode w/o the flying douche could be this bad

TV show: Heroes

Chromodynamic wrote:Development is becoming entirely unbalanced, too many characters, why are producers still making this mistake? Last nights episode garnered a big yawn from me. They should've just left out Hiro's arc entirely than insult us with the pathetic table scraps they offered up.

The Katrina hero is particularly hammy and nickelodeon channel

maybe they are shooting for a younger demographic to help ratings, they must be saggin at this point?

2 more episodes and I officially drop this show. That leaves me w/

Friday Night Lights

as the only shows on TV i watch... wow time to cancel cable if it wasnt for sports

TV show: Heroes

i wouldn't say it was the WORST episode, i actually thought it was a slight improvement, but it wasn't great. there are just so many unlikeable characters right now. but don't hate on micah. micah is adorable (minus that part where he's all gae laughing and smiling while cutting to and from monica double dutching........ uh.......). i still think it could get better. but who knows.

TV show: Heroes

kenoki wrote: micah is adorable (minus that part where he's all gae laughing and smiling while cutting to and from monica double dutching........ uh.......).

ROFL how can you minus that part ;) that was the part I was hating on

and WTF is up w/ Gerri Curls and him all hugging all the time. I call child abuse on the director/writer trying to force him into being a gay child actor

TV show: Heroes

Hexpane wrote:and WTF is up w/ Gerri Curls and him all hugging all the time. I call child abuse on the director/writer trying to force him into being a gay child actor


I actually thought this episode was an improvement. I enjoyed all the stuff with Parkman's dad and the dreams he stuck Matt and Nathan into. And i was kinda excited to see Matt broadcasting thoughts into Nathan's head instead of just reading them. And, um, Kristin Bell is just the yums. Not to mention the apparent fact that she and Peter have met before.

But yeah, Katrina girl and her magic double-dutch powers = weak. And who the frack is writing "9th Wonders" if Isaac's dead?

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

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