Favorite Malapropism

This topic was inspired by a post on these boards that includes "for all intensive purposes" and "absorbent (they meant exorbitant) salaries." Both in the same post!

My own personal favorite malapropism was in a musicians-wanted post I found on the SF Craigslist (http://craigslist.org) a long time ago. The guy who posted looking for bandmates said he didn't want "any Pre-Madonnas" to apply.

What are your faves?

Favorite Malapropism

I admit to this one (it was me). I think a lot of these come from folks (like myself) who use the internet as a casual place for the exchange of ideas and conversation. Also, I think this comes from trying to translate conversational speech into words. I will be the first to say I ain't no Einstein when it comes to absolute proper use of the English language. All in all, meeh, so what?

Favorite Malapropism

cprlcoffee wrote:
All in all, meeh, so what?

The problem is that bad English makes you sound laxadaisical.

When I see posts that use bad English, I usually assume that the poster went out drinking that night and got totally obliviated.

While that might be true, I didn't think that I was being graded or that this board was some kind of axis of multiple dimensions that the improper use of grammar would cause the known universe to collapse. Additionally, while I may type my ideas in a care not attitude, what happens on this board has no bearing in my everyday life or outside endeavors. Just because I type like a lazy gimp gives you no right to assume I am.

P.S. Thank God for Spellcheck

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