Dirty Three?

Total votes: 2 (4%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 46 (96%)
Total votes: 48

Band: Dirty Three

Excellent band. And Horse Stories is fantastic. Sounds like someone just shoved a mic in the corner of the room and let them go at it in one take. And it still sounds better than any album with a budget in the hundreds of thousands.

There's a great bit on the Nick Cave live dvd where he introduces the members of the Bad Seeds during a song (The Curse of Millhaven) and they all improvise for a few bars as he introduces them after every verse. When it gets to Warren Ellis he just holds the violin in the air and lets it feedback. He's just got such a cool approach to the instrument. He treats it like a guitar.
simmo wrote:Someone make my carrot and grapefruits smoke. Please.

Band: Dirty Three

Noah wrote:I have "She Has No Strings, Apollo" and I don't like it very much. I like the split with Low a lot, so maybe I should look for their other records. Maybe "Ocean Songs," which someone recommended to me.


Get Ocean Songs. It is a fabulous record that I think everyone in this world should own. I saw them on the tour for that album with Calexico and it still ranks as one of the best shows I've ever seen.
Better yet, eat the placenta!!!

Band: Dirty Three

Angry_Dragon wrote:Get Ocean Songs. It is a fabulous record that I think everyone in this world should own. I saw them on the tour for that album with Calexico and it still ranks as one of the best shows I've ever seen.

I saw that tour, too, and it's the only time that I can recall being moved to tears in the midst of a live musical performance. After the show, I went up to the merch booth and told the woman working there (Warren Ellis' girlfriend, as it turns out) that I wanted to buy a CD. "Which one?" she said, gesturing at my options. I told her I wanted the one with the song that had made me cry. "Ah," she said, "that'd be this one," snatching up a copy of Ocean Songs. She'd guessed that the song in question was "Authentic Celestial Music." And she was right.

Band: Dirty Three

so not crap

i saw them last night as part of the 2005 sydney festival and holy be jesus
they were absolutely phenomenal. as usual. mick turner is one the most amazing guitar players and he just looks so disinterested. jim white, chubby as ever was a whirlwind dynamo of drumming madness & warren ellis with his use of that fiddle and his between song banter, elevated himself to godlike status in my mind.

about 7 or 8 years ago i saw the dirty three in a really small bar above the train station in newtown, sydney called feedback. nick cave sat in a booth at the side of the room drinking red wine, smoking cigarettes and after about 30 minutes got up with them and did "shivers" by the boys next door and two other songs i can't remember now, maybe "mack the knife" was one of the others it was years ago.

fucking brilliant
i am a good speller. so there.

Band: Dirty Three

i forgot to add

for those of you that may be interested. in the early eighties mick turner and jim white were in an amazing band called _venom p. stinger_ check them out if you can. they are so good. if you're gonna use the net the song "walking about" is a good place to start.
i am a good speller. so there.

Band: Dirty Three

Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:
I saw that tour, too, and it's the only time that I can recall being moved to tears in the midst of a live musical performance

Yr not the only one:

David Yow wrote:
The Dirty Three are the most evocative thing happening right now. The last time I saw them, I cried. I did. It was in Perth, Australia. Patsy Cline's gone - you can't see her shows - but the Dirty Three are here. You can cry at their shows. That's what so cool about them. What bands can make you cry? Well, I'm sure if I went to see Silverchair, I'd probably cry and leave thinking about the gas money I spent getting there.

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