Marsupialized wrote:man if you guys are buying new tools, get a sawzall they are fucking ace
and a shop-vac, get a shop-vac
Marsupialized wrote:man if you guys are buying new tools, get a sawzall they are fucking ace
and a shop-vac, get a shop-vac
Charlie D wrote:that motherfucking session is going on tape.
steve wrote:uniquebassplayer wrote:It's so weird the timing of this also. We're preparing to write for our next record which we plan to record early next year. So, earlier this week I was scouting the interweb for good studios that we could afford. One of my first choices was Electrical but then I thought about the tape factor, and quite honestly when it comes down to the cost of an extra day in the studio as compared to the cost of tape, well I have to opt for the extra studio time.
This has been discussed previously, but this is a pretty crazy way to think.
The tape for an album session is probably less than the cost of a lot of things you will willingly blow your money on, and not using tape for "financial" reasons really means you have no interest in recording to tape. Of course it's less expensive to record without tape, provided you aren't going to buy a hard drive or anything else to store the session on, but it's less expensive yet to stay out of the studio altogether.
Not wanting to record on tape is your business and that's fine and everything, but blaming it on the cost is crazy.
that damned fly wrote:Charlie D wrote:that motherfucking session is going on tape.
otherwise your money is wasted.
you use digital...time and money wasted.
scott wrote:It's really all just displaced anger at Steve, for switching over to a Pro-Tools-only configuration over at Electrical. What was he thinking?!?!
Charlie D wrote: can't speak for Fly, but I would assume his response to my post was more in regards to not liking digital, not at all about EA, Steve, Greg, or any of the staff.
that damned fly wrote:digital is fine for some things. clocks for example
Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.
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