Cat Neutering Aftermath Question

So I took my crazy male bengal cat and had his shit snipped.
I didn't want to, but he was pissing all over the house (and us) and wailing and moaning like a mental patient at the scent of the young female cats next door.
So I get him back yesterday, he's his wild self for a few hours after coming home then he went and sat under the bed and hasn't moved since.
I pulled him out and he's very lethargic, he's totally out of it.
Is this normal? Will he ever be the same as he was or has he been McMurphy'd forever?
It's just odd that he was acting normal for the first few hours after coming home, then went into this weird doped up state soon after.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Cat Neutering Aftermath Question

Skronk wrote:I'd hide under the bed too if you snipped my nuts off.

Seriously though, I think he'll be fine.

I felt terrible but how many times will I just be ok with having a cat jump up and piss right on my chest as I watch TV? Then stand there and stare at me like 'what are you gonna do about it?'
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Cat Neutering Aftermath Question

I was warned that Tedy would be groggy for a while, but he showed no effects from the drugs. And months later he would still mount our girl cat every once in a while.

Cuz he's cool like that.
Dr. Geek wrote:I once found a soggy dollar floating in a puddle on the side of the street. I carefully picked it out of the water before it sank to the bottom. It smelled funny after it dried.

Cat Neutering Aftermath Question

Marsupialized wrote:
Skronk wrote:I'd hide under the bed too if you snipped my nuts off.

Seriously though, I think he'll be fine.

I felt terrible but how many times will I just be ok with having a cat jump up and piss right on my chest as I watch TV? Then stand there and stare at me like 'what are you gonna do about it?'

Well, it now knows what you're gonna do about it.

Ben Adrian

Cat Neutering Aftermath Question

benadrian wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:
Skronk wrote:I'd hide under the bed too if you snipped my nuts off.

Seriously though, I think he'll be fine.

I felt terrible but how many times will I just be ok with having a cat jump up and piss right on my chest as I watch TV? Then stand there and stare at me like 'what are you gonna do about it?'

Well, it now knows what you're gonna do about it.

Ben Adrian

LOL! Well said, Ben Adrian. It got home and was excited to be home, then the drugs wore off. Now it's in pain and hiding wondering what the fuck happened.

Cat Neutering Aftermath Question

We had a dog once, the dumbest dog in history. What can you expect though when he was owned by one of the dudes in the Bo-Deans. We had to have him neutered cause his red rocket was begining to make everyone uncomfortable. He came home, rolled a blanket in ball and humped the shit out of that thing for about 15 minutes. Nobody was sure if we should stop him in case it would be like wrestling the retarded so we just let him go to town. He eventually got tired and went to sleep. The End.

Cat Neutering Aftermath Question

STF wrote:...months later he would still mount our girl cat every once in a while....Cuz he's cool like that.

This is good comedy. Cheers!

The Bengal should be calmer (as you probably hoped) after getting him neutered. Remember though that you need to give them a bit of affection otherwise they will be "bad". Things like pissing where they shouldn't should should really be nipped in the bud - you may need to work on that.

Cat Neutering Aftermath Question

My little guy kinda gave me the cold shoulder for a while, then went back to being a cute affectionate cat again.
Cats are pretty emotional creatures.
The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, “You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.” - George Carlin R.I.P

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