by The MayorofRockNRoll_Archive
When I lived in Austin I lived in a house that was infested with rats. I mean...they got in and had run of the place, every breed gets more aggressive and territorial. I went away for a week and they shit on my bed.
So I bought rat poison, and it seemed to be working. Sometimes the rats would wake me in my sleep, as if to tell me "thanks you bastard. I'm hemorraging and about to die now. Anyways, the rat problem dissipated but had yet to completely cease, though it probably would have before too long.
Anyways, my roomate at the time, an epileptic retard who used to wake me up listening to his fucking Traffic albums at excessive volume while smoking pot, decides, "I'm gonna get a cat. I'm just so sick of rats."
And I say, "yes, but I've put out poison and the rats seem to be going away."
And he said, "Yeah. I'm gonna get a cat. The rats are too much."
So he does, and he freaks out at me, telling me in a panic I need to get rid of the rat poison, lest the cat should try to eat it. So I do.
Before long, the rats return. The cat is afraid of them, and won't do anything to kill them. Yes, the cat was a big puss.
Cat and owner, equally worthless.
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing
Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.