iced coffee?

Total votes: 15 (22%)
Total votes: 52 (78%)
Total votes: 67

beverage: Iced Coffee

Antero wrote:
kenoki wrote:if you like coffee, i don't understand how you could dislike iced coffee. it's coffee! the exact same coffee!! but a different temperature!!
Ten points.

Because it's "GAE", and some of the alpha males are threatened by that.
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

beverage: Iced Coffee

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:Wtf?

There are few things that peg the gae meter like iced coffee. Here is a short list:

10. Young women who take tropical vacations and return home with corn rows

All so gae!

I have to disagree with you here, chief.

those chicks are usually easy, fun, and they usually have pretty good weed. I like it when they "go native"!

beverage: Iced Coffee

Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:
Steve V. wrote:Iced Coffee is the only way to enjoy coffee in the fucking disgusting Sahara heat of the South during the summer.


I can suck down a scalding hot cup of coffee while walking down the street at the height of 95-degree Southern summer. You don't stop eating hot food in the summertime; why stop drinking hot drinks?

Gross. Fuckin' rubber soles melting on the pavement, heat seeping into the bones after incinerating the muscles; hot Bustelo going down the gullet, soaking into a belly full of spicy mexican food. That is like a nightmare wrapped in visions of hell for me. Iced coffee and a ticket to Canada please.

Iced coffee is so's got the refreshment factor of a cool beverage, except it is coffee. COFFEE. Gimme gimme gimme. Triple-brew me a pot of strong black, stick that shit in the fridge for a day and a half, drink up and SEE FUCKING GOD.

beverage: Iced Coffee

Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:Unless it's that ultra-strong stuff with sweetened condensed milk you get at Vietnamese restaurants, I ain't havin' it.

This is how I do it up in the summertime. Nice to have the sweet-n-cold caffeine at hand.

I get a couplefew cubes of ice in every coffee, but iced coffee per se is pretty ridiculous.

As ridiculous as iced coffee is, though, I'm more aghast at the blending of espresso shots and coffee. Sure, I've indulged a few times, with the so-called "red eye", but it simply makes no sense at all.

beverage: Iced Coffee

I'm enjoying an iced red eye right now (and I don't mean I'm treated an inflamed o-ring).

Iced coffee is a hell of a lot more refreshing when it's not freezing cold outside and, to fight the melting ice in it, it's often brewed STRONGER than regular coffee. So take that, you hot-coffee closet cases!
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