things to do in los angeles

After you are done doing all of the things that murderedman has recommended, my suggestion would be to get the fuck out of LA (due to the suckage factor) and come down to Orange County, where things suck just a little bit less!

Perhaps, we could kidnap Slowriot and murderman, then head down to Long Beach. I know a couple of nice little record shops along the way and a bar that will make the whole trip worth while.

Let me know if you are interested.
Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced. T. Mckenna

things to do in los angeles

watts towers and the adjacent community center. no, really, i was there and it was cool.

i got the best shirt ever on sunset in silver lake. it has whales on it

the getty is supposed to have an awesome view and architecture, though not necessarily good art.

venice was frolicking with hippie drum circle and weed.

echo park has like, pedal boats or something. i've heard it's the only park in la (can that be true?) and it was like you'd imagine an la park -- palm trees and whatnot, very different from an east coast park.

the hollywood strip is a little creepy. crawling with homogenous rockers and stilettoed valley girls, and rife with neon scientology.

would you see a band called stillettoed valley girl and the homogenous rockers?

their album is called neon scientology.

things to do in los angeles

the view from mullholland (either by laurel canyon into the city, or by sepulveda into the valley) is pretty incredible.

maybe i'm just nostalgic cause i used to go up there pretty much every weekend and smoke a lot of weed.

i'll second the getty and amoeba.

roscoe's chicken and waffles, if you're into either or both of those things, is a nice (subjective) restaurant that is somewhat of a landmark.

Nova Cafe across the street from canter's (on fairfax between melrose and beverly) is a pretty remarkable little hole in the wall restaurant. they're open from 7pm to 4am i think? (

dupars has the best pancakes, ever. go at night. order hotcakes alaska. repeat.

that's all i can think of right now. oh, and etch is spot on about Griffith Park Observatory.
that damned fly wrote:digital is fine for a couple things. clocks, for example.

and mashups

things to do in los angeles

Amoeba records. You have to go, as others have said.

To get to Mullholland, go up Laurel Canyon Boulevard, duck off into the neighborhoods. This place is rich with music history and one of the few charming places in LA. Stop at Laurel Canyon General Store for a sammich. This is where Frank Zappa, Joni Mitchell, The Byrds, The Doors nd a zillion other bands used to buy their milk.
Then buy a cup of coffee from the MILF that has the little coffee cart set up out front.

See who's playing at the Largo. This is one of the few things about LA that I love. The food's not expensive and the shows are intimate and cool. Get there early. Jon Brion plays his legendary sets here. They have gotten really hard to get in to. The place is tiny, but big names drop through all of the time.
Here's how you can see who's playing:
Canter's Deli is across the street, and worth a look.

Just so you can see how up it's own ass it is, drive through Beverly Hills, see Rodeo Drive, etc.

Most of all eat eat eat. That's the best thing about the place.

Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.

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