Bike riders: Difference between Single Speed or Fixed Gear?

So I recently acquired a bike, and it's a single speed racer. One sprocket at the pedals, one on the rear wheel. The brakes are the back pedal variety (where you pedal backwards to use them). I haven't properly ridden a bike for years and I don't really want to go our rding sans-bakes for a while.

Anyway, what I really want to know is what's the difference between a fixed gear and a single speed bike?
It's Too Late For Logic

Bike riders: Difference between Single Speed or Fixed Gear?

MrFood wrote:Unless you're a track rider and/or you live in a town with no hills/wind/traffic lights : you're basically buying wholesale into the most preposterous hipster trend of recent years by buying a fixed wheel single speed bike.

How I laugh.

No hills: Check.

Wind: Not really

Traffic lights: Where I want to ride it? No.

Buying this bike? I found it in hard rubbish. someone had thrown it out. I pulled it appart, cleaned it up and have spent approx $40 on new pedals and paint.

So if i'm a hipster, whatever. I seriously don't care.
It's Too Late For Logic

Bike riders: Difference between Single Speed or Fixed Gear?

"fixed gear" means you cannot coast, you *always* have to pedal when you're moving.

"single speed" means it doesn't have any gear shifting. just one gear on the pedaly part and one gear on the back wheel.

"coaster brakes" means that while you don't have to pedal all the time when you're moving, if you push backward on the pedals it causes the rear wheel to brake.

"freewheel" is when you can pedal backwards all you want and it doesn't do anything.

I just took the time to write this while sitting on a hill of salt watching Chicago be decimated by a bunch of little Al Qaeda Jihad demons, so I hope you appreciate it and enjoy your new bike for as long as you can before they get to your town too.
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

Bike riders: Difference between Single Speed or Fixed Gear?

If you bmx you'll want a single, no? When I biked I used a bmx single to hop, tail and bail out of a ramp WAY faster then a hand brake. Climbing is easier by about a million times with a single - smaller, lighter. In the air a single is better controlled because you can use your legs and arms to hold the bike. I had one hybrid that I liked maybe 10 years ago, but it didn't have the control of an old bmx - came close.

What's the brand of bike? Is it small to medium sized? What sex is the bike? Is it a cruiser?

Can the bike outrun half-dead internet zombies?
Last edited by ubercat_Archive on Sun Nov 11, 2007 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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