What say you PRF?
My tuppence: If it ain't broke...I have no problem with Sendspace at all. Most of this thread comprises of niche/OOP albums that are likely to be of interest only to a few and this way people have direct access to them without having to maintain some little download community, faff about with emails, sign up to anything or install an application.
Pando doubtless has its place, I just don't think this thread has the throughput to warrant it – sometimes it gets bumped twice in a month. Some may already use it but migrating to it will alienate more people than it helps. It's a drop-in centre for curious malcontents rather than a bandwidth pissing contest. I don't think it's so hard to wait twenty to thirty minutes for an album that an esteemed forum member has taken the time to prepare, upload and enthuse over.
Patience my boy!