by tmidgett_Archive
Here are a few suggestions, off the top of my head, based on 20yrs of listening to some reggae and three years of listening to a ton of it.
Other than this aside, I'm going to ignore most dub, b/c people talk about these things, and there are so many of the recs. I'm also going to ignore Bob Marley and LKJ, whom I love and are obvious, and people like Jimmy Cliff and Black Uhuru who made some super music and some not-so-super music.
I am not an expert, but I know what I like, and I think anyone w/any predisposition to liking any Jamaican music would like these records.
Buy these records, without hesitation:
Augustus Pablo, East of the River Nile or King David's Melody or Original Rockers. Or most of the other million ones, but those are surefire.
100% Dynamite comp, on Soul Jazz
200% Dynamite comp, on Soul Jazz
500% Dynamite comp, on Soul Jazz
Cedric Im Brooks, The Light of Saba, on Honest Jon's label
The Sound Dimension comp on Trojan
The Hippy Boys, Reggae with the Hippy Boys
Any of the Tighten Up comps
The Congos, Heart of the Congos, on Blood and Fire or whatever other version you can find. If you don't like this, just give up.
Some of this music isn't reggae strictly speaking, but so what.
If you get a couple of these and don't like them, you should probably write off Jamaica. Until then, you probably shouldn't write off Jamaica.