air your prejudices

I'm sure this thread has been done before but if I can't find it after a few minutes of googling then fuck it.

I'm prejudiced against -

1. really short little miniature people with large heads
2. people whose first name is Paul
3. people with a Puerto Rican flag on their car
4. people who drive Dodge Rams

I realize there is no scientific reason to hold these prejudices. I hold them strictly from experience, and wish someone would prove me wrong. in case #1, little short-ass miniature motherfuckers with large heads lie a lot and like to create dramatic situations. I have no time for that shit from grownups. #2, everybody I've ever known named Paul has been trouble. fun and endearing in some cases, but trouble. same goes double for Paulas. #3, I have nothing against Puerto Rican people per se, but the little flag is the mark of a shitty driver who will do things like take up three parking spots with a dark green Honda with tinted windows and neon underneath. also if Puerto Rico is so fantastic please return there (see also Texas). #4 I have almost been killed by this model of car more than any other. I have never met anybody who drove one of these that I remotely liked.


air your prejudices

I will modify it a bit:


A: How much something costs.
B: Not having enough money.
C: How tired they are from doing something that might
be generally considered labor.
But I digress. Please continue with the squirrel circuit semantic debate.

air your prejudices

The bored.
The entitled.
The overly demonstrative (public cell-phone talkers, the wildly gesticulating, loud talkers, the smoking-as-punctuation crew)
Husky voiced trixies with their Marlboro Light-cured vocal stylings
The Flirting Marrieds.
Mission Furniture Buyers.
Cologne Wearers.
Tight Wads.
The Certain.
Red-faced Blonde Guy.
Barbara fucking Walters. I want to fucking choke you.
The Rudely Rushing.
Raw Foodists.
Public groomers.

One of my best friend's drives a Dodge Ram. It's diesel and aesthetically pleasing and while he would take pleasure in cleaning your gutters and pruning for you, he drives like revving, honking dick. He's in Oregon and I miss him.

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