The show went really, really well.
Lance Bangs was there with cameras, and Britt Walford was, as I said, one of the operators. Also, little Marshall Tucker-Bangs was there for dinner, and he is my favorite new friend.
I was kind of a mess for the first three or so songs, as my wrists weren't warmed up and I was CONSTANTLY aware of the fact that Britt Walford was watching me play drums. Try playing well on material you haven't played in nine or so years while being watched by someone you've admired most of your adult life. It was a little disconcerting.
Also, I found that the vistalites sounded really different from any kit I have ever played these songs on. I was rehearsing on one of my wooden kits, but when I found out they were going to be filming, I decided to break out the plastic drums. They have a much rounder, more melodic sound than my Radio Kings or my birch Yamahas. Vistalite toms don't really go BAM, they sort of go BOOOMMmmmmm.... It threw me off a little.
We were sloppy more than I would have liked. Sloppier than any of the rehearsals, actually, but the energy was there.
We ended up being called back for three encores, mostly by the diehard/faithful. I am sure that there were some people thinking "Just stop, already. I want to go home."
Actually, one of those people was me.
After the show, I was driving home and Mike (Mantione, from Five-Eight) called me to tell me that he had a client calling him (he builds houses) and that it was raining inside their house. It hasn't rained here in a month, and suddenly last night there was an unexpected (and much needed) downpour. SO, I went and got us a couple of cups of coffee and Mike went and bought a giant tarp, and at 3am, after our big Rock Star night, we were on a roof hammering down a tarp in the cold rain.
I should have called in sick today, but here I am...
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE