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To let a dog starve: Art?

Full story

The above link is pretty biased (and rightfully so) but It looks like English/US news pages haven't picked up the story yet. Basically a guy chained a a dog in an art gallery and let him there without any food or water. Guess what, after 2 days the dog died.

Mr. Vergas claims that his work revealed people's hypocrisy as no one cares about dying dogs on the street.

This is just so wrong. I'd really, really, really like to punch that guy.

Oh yeah, if you want to let me continue ruin your morning/day you can click here to see a video of a guy getting killed when security workers at canadian airport used teasers on him after he was frustrated because of being there for 10 hours and not being able to find any information about what is going on.
Last edited by emmanuelle cunt_Archive on Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:57 am, edited 3 times in total.

To let a dog starve: Art?

emmanuelle cunt wrote:Mr. Vergas claims that his work revealed people's hypocrisy as no one cares about dying dogs on the street.

Maybe starting a charity for stray dogs or distributing pamphlets raising awareness about the issue would have been too much like effort, huh, Mr Vergas?


Rubbish, and illegal in England at least.

Cunt, CRAP
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


To let a dog starve: Art?

the key part is, according to the blog, he told people not to feed it.

if he wanted to make a point, he would've let people bring it food and water and then said "see, you wouldn't let this dog die in this gallery, you shouldn't let the strays die either"

instead he MURDERED A DOG.

pulling a michael vick, that.

edit: also, that means he didn't LET a dog starve... he MADE SURE a dog starved. that's called murder.
jimmy spako wrote:jeff porcaro may be gone but his ghostnotes continue to haunt me.

To let a dog starve: Art?

And nobody lifted a finger to help? public / gallery staff? Why, because this douchebag says it's 'art'.

Are people too fightened to question artists' concepts for fear that they'll be ridiculed for not getting it straight off?

Fucking emperors new clothes taken to another level.

There is a lot I like about art and the arts, but there is just too much douche involved undermining artisitic credibility.
Last edited by Josef K_Archive on Thu Nov 15, 2007 9:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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