Has Anyone Built a Mac? (Hackintosh-Osx86)

r0ck1r0ck2 wrote:you fudge a lot my dear.

Aha! The gauntlet, she is thrown!
OK let us help Mr. Arrison turn his thinkpad into a mac -- see if it collectively does not take more than 40 hrs of work to do.

This fellow has done the hard work already:
Otherwise it could be more than 100hrs of work!

OK so far I spend 5 minutes to find this link. 39hrs, 55 minutes left.
On your honor!

Has Anyone Built a Mac? (Hackintosh-Osx86)

I agree. I am posting on this forum (forcing myself to use Windows Vista more) on a widescreen T60 Thinkpad with Vista. Complete ass. I want my Mac Book now..

To each their own I guess...

I have a T60 that I got almost a year ago. Running XP Pro - I absolutely love it. No hardware problems, great development machine. I don't ever have to think about how its running.

The only problem I had was shortly after I got it I tried installing Suse Linux and overwrote the Rescue & Recovery partition. I didn't realize you had to secure that partition in the bios. I called tech support, and they sent the recovery disc set to me for free, although they are supposed to charge $40 for it. They were incredibly nice and understanding.

I love my T60.
"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."
-Winston Churchill

Has Anyone Built a Mac? (Hackintosh-Osx86)

busbus wrote:
sunset_gun wrote:
Tiger. And we aren't talking about a huge network here either - two PCs, thee Macs (OSx/OSx/OS9) and two server drives.

Our server is Apple too. The PCs are only used peripherally for file work, nothing but email is stored on them. Our PCs never have an issue, it's always the Macs. This was my experience in school as well. We were under the constant threat of them crashing when saving to the server.

My experience tells me Macs are horrible in networking situations.

If anything, have you tried dropping that OS 9 machine from the mix?

We really shouldn't have to.

And what do you mean by server drives? Are they NAS or are they actually some other machine running some sort of file sharing protocol.

A RAID drive on a sever, a completely spearate machine.

Has Anyone Built a Mac? (Hackintosh-Osx86)

By 3rd party hardware I didn't mean components, I meant other companies building and selling complete computers like Umax and Power Computing.

Regarding Macs and networking...while I was at NYU we had (and they still do!) a huge network...network objects in the tens of thousands I believe, and instances of just about every brand of workstation, laptop, mainframe, OS's, there are...and Macs posed no special problems, networking or otherwise. In fact they were typically less of a problem that the norm.

I personally configured RAID's and on one occasion a shared fibre channel server for video work...no problemo. A group I worked with closely used Apple Xserves as generic file servers...worked like a charm (and on price/performance beat all competitors in their range).

The only thing I can think of in terms of Mac networking that was flakey was using Novell servers. And that was definitely Novell's fault. Oh, and I think Cicso was a little slow in supporting secure wireless for Macs for some reason. But just a bit.

At home we've got Airport wireless, a couple printers on their own Airport Express, another Airport Express to pickup iTunes streaming in the living room, a couple Macs, and random PC's I (am forced to) bring home and add to the network at various times. It all just works.

Has Anyone Built a Mac? (Hackintosh-Osx86)

galanter wrote:These people do not "build a Mac." They throw together some hardware and then "steal a Mac."

Because it's the software that makes a Mac a Mac. And the people who really build Macs work very hard to do so. They deserve better than getting ripped off.

Yeah I see them on the street all the time saying "Hey Mr. do you have a dime, I'm so hungry, this little Apple company is barely selling nothing what with all the phony macs and ipods around".

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