Lawnmower Deth

Shite (No votes)
Ain't Shite
Total votes: 3 (100%)
Total votes: 3

BAND: Lawnmower Deth

Heavy and cheeky like a nanny's ass. Silly Earache hardcore from Britain, like the Exploited on giggle gas. Song titles like "Can I Cultivate Your Groinal Garden" "A is for Asswipe" and "Sharp Fucka Blades Of Hades." The funny thing is they were funny but actually had solid riffs and really decent production value for a jokey thrash band. I luv these bastards.

BAND: Lawnmower Deth

MOWDEER, what a fantastic tape played it to bits, Scar Face, Drink to Be Sick and constantly rewinding and replaying Fuck Off

Here come the carrots, I'm gonna be sick!!!
dontfeartheringo wrote:...You're not performing spinal surgery, you're getting relatively even tension on a plastic membrane which you will then strike with GREAT FORCE using a wooden stick.

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