air your prejudices

burun wrote:Just go to the bookstore and thumb through My Secret Garden. Sure, she wrote it in the 70's, but a lot of it still remains true to this day. li..bra..ry?

OH, a library! That place that's like a video store but for books!
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

air your prejudices

BClark wrote:anyhow, the following isn't quite a prejudice, but.... though i'm not prejudiced against homosexuals, i have absolutely no problem with listening to certain reggae musicians who are.

wait a second! didn't this forum already try to eat me alive for that one?

Yup, and it made just as little sense then as it does now!

Re-read what you wrote here...

anyhow, the following isn't quite a prejudice, but.... though i'm not prejudiced against homosexuals, i have absolutely no problem with listening to certain reggae musicians who are.

Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced. T. Mckenna

air your prejudices

Johnny 13 wrote:
Antero wrote:I get nervous when I'm in any completely white area.

When I was driving from Chicago to LA, I was in a little town in SD, having seen only white faces for a few days. Some guy drove by blasting hip-hop, and sure enough he was black... and I actually had to resist the urge to cheer.

Have you had bad experiences with white people in the past?
God, who hasn't? :P

Linus Van Pelt wrote:I subscribe to neither prong of your false dichotomy.

air your prejudices

BadComrade wrote:I hate people that have an accent that is thicker than a shag rug, yet get frustrated when you or I can't understand them.

Oh, man...

Scottish guy, London, three years ago.


I finally made out that his name was Ewan, but he'd been such a prick about everything else, I kept calling him "Urine," and when he would be a prick and soundly correct me, I'd say "Yeah, Urine... I got it."

Fucking shithead. God, he was a prick.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

air your prejudices

dontfeartheringo wrote:
BadComrade wrote:I hate people that have an accent that is thicker than a shag rug, yet get frustrated when you or I can't understand them.

Oh, man...

Scottish guy, London, three years ago.


I finally made out that his name was Ewan, but he'd been such a prick about everything else, I kept calling him "Urine," and when he would be a prick and soundly correct me, I'd say "Yeah, Urine... I got it."

Fucking shithead. God, he was a prick.

I worked w/a Scottish dude who was completely unintelligible. My man had his name tattooed on his fingers. "BILLY" pronounced: Bel-AY.
He was a coke head who would say things like: "Frry-day. lat's gat a wee bat a fookin' Charlay! (His nickname for coke). Anyways, he was accused by a bartender of stealing the television set (which was on the wall, btw) from the bar. He showed up a couple of nights later, after everyone had clearly seen him take the television. Bartender: "Where's the television?" Bel-ay: "Ay dun ave yur fooken tele!" was his predicted response. We never heard from him again.

SpellChecking this is gonna be a bitch.

offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

air your prejudices

Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:
Mark Hansen wrote:People who talk in movie theatres. Hate hate hate them.
Depends on the movie and who it is that's doing it.

Went to see "The Velvet Underground and Nico" and "Superstar in a Housedress" tonight at Facets in Chicago, as part of an Andy Warhol film retrospective.

Some dumbass, probably slightly inebriated hipster type was talking almost the whole way through the VU movie. Not real loud, but I could hear him over the music, and he was 3 rows behind me. I kept turning around and glaring at the idiot.

I didn't want to disturb anyone any more than they already were, so I didn't vocalize my contempt, but it really pissed me off.
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