Skronk wrote:And yet we're still being royally fucked, by the same government you're willing to let expand. Let's not kid ourselves. The faces change, and the rhetoric's updated, but we're modern day slaves. This progress, albeit good, is shit compared to the uphill battle we still have to go. You probably assume all this progress we've gained can't be taken away from us.
If you're fooled by the last hundred years, compared to the history of the last two thousand, whose the asshole?
But none of that is true. It is just message board rhetoric. Anyone who seriously believes that the civil rights movement, trade unionism, universal suffrage, religious freedom, state education and the like were useless is being a cock for the sake being "libertarian-er than thou" on the internet. Achievements were made, yes they can be taken away, but they are more likely to be taken away by people who believe them to be useless and irrelevant than they are by the government.
Unless you're getting your facts from websites that claim Betty Friedann, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, the CND movement and Aneuran Bevan were NWO agents. In which case, fuck off until you learn the difference between history and fantasy.
Skronk wrote:You managed in about five or six posts to say nothing. Congratulations, Dave.
Look closer. It was peppered with codes only readable by my fellow Perpetual War Thought Cops and Gate Keepers. Hope you've got your code-rings, boys.