WTF is a Dumbleator and why is it 15k?

scott wrote:well the thing about Dumble is, he gobs up the innards of his amps with gooey shit so you can't see what the components are or the circuit or anything, and if you try and un-goo it, it destroys it.

My dad once designed a radio noise filter circuit and sold them commercially through magazine ads. To prevent knock-offs, he built each unit using the smallest project box he could possibly fit it inside, then filled the entire thing with this black epoxy stuff that hardened into a solid little brick.

Of course this device was really small, maybe the size of an Altoids gum tin. I doubt anybody ever copied the design, then again I don't believe he sold very many of them either.

BTW that's waay too much money for that amp. I don't believe it really sounds $75,300 worth of good.

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