
Total votes: 3 (18%)
Total votes: 14 (82%)
Total votes: 17

Band: Deerhunter Deerhunter

New album out today, Microcastle. Only listened once so I haven't formed an opinion...pieces of it are really cool, others are not. Never understood how these guys got on Kranky. Not forming completes sentences today, apparently.
There are crispy fries waiting to come out of your oven: you just have to make them and put them there.

Band: Deerhunter Deerhunter

wes9 wrote:Never understood how these guys got on Kranky. .

No shit.

Their first album was ok, had some nice Spacemen 3-like moments. I really like the bass sound on that record more than anything else.

Their ep, Flourescent Grey is awesome though. Probably because it's only 4 songs.

I've gone through their new record about 4 times and it does nothing for me.

I haven't read any of their press, so I don't have that to go on (thank God).

CRAP WF: Bass sound/decent ep.

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:Oof. This sentence is terrible.

As in Dale Jr.'s English Language Handbook terrible.

God, we're all fucked.

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