say something nasty about a band you like


Could you please cut the coy "indefinite hiatus" crap and just come right out and say you're through, already? I understand that if you have a distaste for the word "reunion"--in the half percent chance you ever play a show again--you won't have to call it that if you never really broke up; but you know and I know and everybody else knows, save perhaps some of those mouthbreathers you interviewed in Instrument, that such a contingency will probably never pop up.

Now prove me wrong.
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

say something nasty about a band you like

coceng wrote:Somebody in Shellac likes to suck cocks !
He's never done it...but he's dreaming about it.

well then we don't know if he loves to or not, if he never has....he may like to dream about it but that's a completely different thing than actually going and doing it.
I dream of killing people all day, but I'm not out doing it.
So how could you say I love killing people? I bet I'd hate killing people in real life, I don't have the stomach for it. I stabbed someone once in self defense and it still gives me nightmares thinking about all the fat and gunk that sprayed out of the wound, I threw up for like an hour. But I sure love thinking about killing people that I hate.
So dreaming about something doesn't mean shit, there's probably MORE a chance you'll never do something if you spend a lot of time dreaming about it.
Your statement makes no sense.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

say something nasty about a band you like

Aaahhh, you could probably guess who I was talking about eh ?? ;)
The guy's too arty...(chuckle !)
It's funny when one interviewer asked, "Why are you not married yet ?!"
He would give lengthy (make-believe) experience on how good vagina is; That music is like tasting vagina...that everybody should try vagina blah blah blah.

The interviewer just smirked, knowing...knowing...

OH YES !!!!!!!!!! I'D LOVE TO DO IT AGAIN !!!!!!!!

Have you seen Faces of Death videos ?
I fucking love all the series !!!!!!!!

It's about people being killed, head exploding, guys run over by trains etc etc etc.

It's hard to get snuff videos over there where you live, here in Asia...they are sold in shops !!!

Still, some of me mates said they're fake...
I dunno...

I have a few motherfuckers on here that I want them dead...interested ??

....& cocend is BOOMBATS !

say something nasty about a band you like

Mark E. Smith: I love your music, and, by extension, like you a hell of a lot, but you may be a sociopath.

Morrissey: GO. GET. A. BLOWJOB. Bejesus. Do you masturbate in front of a poster of James Dean every night?

Spacemen 3: Did you guys even know you had a rhythm section or were you just too high to notice?

Graham Lewis: Your unconscionably self-impressed sprechstimme leaves me cold.

David Byrne: I realize you're probably semi-autistic, but that really doesn't give you the excuse to have acted like such a douche towards your bandmates.

Steve Albini: You had a fade in the '80's. HA-ha.

Brian Eno: You are awesome, but you are really a total perv. you drank your own piss...for christ's sakes...

Wayne Coyne/Howard Devoto: It can't be that hard to hit a correct note, can it?

Leonard Cohen: I guess there is such a thing as musical progression, but NO NO NO, you should never have touched a fucking synthesizer. know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

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