Chicago or Coney?

Total votes: 23 (64%)
Total votes: 8 (22%)
Other, like Cincinnati or some shit that nobody cares about
Total votes: 5 (14%)
Total votes: 36

E-O, Hot Dog Style: Chicago vs. Coney

If I am out I prefer mustard and kraut, or at least grilled onions. On a brat, preferably.

Now I apologize to those of you with weak stomachs or who are otherwise offended by this:

At home, I will take four store-bought, packaged weiners, slice them up the middle, microwave them for 90 seconds, and eat them laid diagonally across a piece of white bread with mayo and ketchup. That's the way I roll, at home.

I worked one summer at Der Wienerschnitzel in L.A. We had a person who worked at the mall who came in every day and ordered a polish, chopped up, with kraut and ketchup. As far as I know this person never heard us refer to it as an "afterbirth dog." At least none of us were ever fired for it.

E-O, Hot Dog Style: Chicago vs. Coney

So we bought rich person supermarket deli hot dogs for the games this weekend (among many other things) anyhoot I made 2 hotdogs and tried to do them ChiTown style

My girlfriend dices heirloom tomatoes (makes almost anything godly)

I diced onions, we cast iron panned 2 classic franks, I changed things up a bit tho, I lightly grilled the diced onions/herilooms up a a bit, we used mini french rolls for the buns and of course I had to slap some cheese on there, w/ dijon mustard. Was good, the mustard made the whole thing.

later on I ate 4 cows worth of cured ribs from Lunardis w/a bunch of heifenweizen

E-O, Hot Dog Style: Chicago vs. Coney

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:No one has ever been able to explain to me the various hot dog crimes (e.g., ketchup) that purportedly exist. You know why? Because they don't exist.




scott, all of these fuckers can fuck off. They have no basis for their lame-o hot dog uppitiness, and they never will. Keep in mind that this criticism comes from people who turn their hot dogs into fake-o salads (a pickle slice? really?) and live in a city that outlawed street hot dog vendors decades ago. Screw them. Enjoy your cheesy ketchupped and chilified hot dogs, and feel free to punch these hot dog "purists" in the nuts at your earliest opportunity.

Please also keep in mind that people who defend the sanctity of the hot dog are taking a stand for a product that is made of ground pig lips and cow cunts as tightly squeezed into a cheap sleeve of sheep intestines.

Sounds like my prom!

I hear it goes back to the days when Chicago was a meat distribution center for the country. Ketchup was a popular choice for a hot dog because it covered the flavor of decay that the dogs would get on their long journey. Chicago being the source of the processing, was able to enjoy the good stuff, and could eat the dogs with flavors that complimented rather than covered.

I was teasing earlier, I don't care what people eat. My wife puts ketchup on her hot dogs. Regardless, it still stands to reason that the ketchup is going to overpower the taste of the whole deal. Aside from texture, ketchup on a hot dog does not taste remarkably different from ketchup on a French fry, or ketchup on a boiled carrot.

E-O, Hot Dog Style: Chicago vs. Coney

scott wrote:Historically, I would eat a hotdog prepared in one of three ways...

Nothing on it but ketchup
Nothing but ketchup and cheese
Nothing but chili and cheese.

I would not eat a hotdog prepared in either of the ways you have listed. So I will vote "other"

Dude, I am with you I don't give a fuck what anyone says that's how I've always eaten my dogs as well. Shit's delicious. I save my salad for my fucking salad.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

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