pet peeves

run joe, run wrote:8. People fussing over their soundchecks for three hours who then go on to play a set so dull, so pedestrian, and so uninspiring that you could just fart your own life out.

That is so funny. i saw some band at the a coffee house in oshkosh do exactly that. but it was a coffee house! no stage, just set-up here and play. the P.A. was grossly underpowered. whatever. then this one time heller-mason guys guitar kept feeding back when he played an Aflat, (or Gsharp, depending on which key). he then proceeded to sympathetically vibrate the whole building to the ground to the tune of Aflat.

pet peeves

when people say they will call you back later and never do/ when people tell you to call them later and dont pick up.
when you are talking to someone but you can barely hear what they say because they dont speak loud enough and you tell them to speak up and you still cant hear them.

pet peeves

In the discussion about snow mentioned in another post it reminded me of something that really irritates me. When people are in such a hurry that they dont take the minute and a half to clear the snow off their car, and then when they are driving it blows off of their car onto MY windshield, and I cant see what I am about to run into. When this happens it really puts me in the mood to kill

pet peeves

okay i will admit this one PEEVE:
i order a tasty beverage and the bartender has tried to put the drink right into my hand.

where are their bartender manners?
the drink belongs on the bar where i can pick it up for myself, no handoff to possibly botch. thanks!
satisfactoryatburntsienna dt com

pet peeves

run joe, run wrote:deliberate, overly contrived "controversial" opinions in general: make you look like what is sometimes referred to as a try-hard

Thank you for expanding my vocabulary this day!

And, I sympathize greatly with most of the rest of your list, but number 12? Jesus, RJR Nabisco, I think you need to chill out!!

pet peeves

1. People who are not prepared with their fare cards when: (i) they reach the turnstile; or (ii) the bus arrives.

2. The use of the word "myself" in place of "I" or "me". This problem has grown to epidemic proportions:

"Bradley R. Weissenberger and myself will attend the meeting."
"Who will be at the meeting? Bradley R. Weissenberger and myself."

3. The use of the world "utilize" instead of "use". For instance:

"We will calculate the starting CTPL utilizing the average CTPL for the past thirty (30) days from the project start date."

Pretty much all "-ize" verbs (e.g., verbalize, trivialize, economize) are ugly, "fake smart" words. There is typically a simpler and more direct option for making one's point than using an "-ize" verb.

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