Albums of 2007

sparky wrote:
Isabelle Gall wrote:
rashiedgarrison wrote:Girls Aloud


I hope that you're both being serious.

My next eldest brother will be thoroughly horrified if I ask him to get this as my Christmas present.

I am totally serious about Girls Aloud. They sent me a birthday email. Do you get that from Electric Wizard? No you fucking don't.

Albums of 2007

The order has been made.

Thanks to you both.

rashiedgarrison wrote:I am totally serious about Girls Aloud. They sent me a birthday email. Do you get that from Electric Wizard? No you fucking don't.

This has made me very, very happy.
Gib Opi kein Opium, denn Opium bringt Opi um!

Albums of 2007

I really liked that new Ponys album.

Pissed Jeans, Michael Yonkers, the Bonnie Billy covers EP, Sonic Youth's Destroyed Room, Shellac, Neil Young, Cheeseburger, UGK, Neil Young, and the soundtrack to the Dylan biopic were all memorable albums from this year. 2007, wasn't half bad.
zom-zom wrote:Why do drummers insist on calling the little stools they sit on "thrones"? Kings of nothing.

Albums of 2007

Reiterating some shit:

Michael Yonkers & The Blind Shake - Carbohydrates Hydrocarbons
The Conformists - Three Hundred
Pissed Jeans - Hope For Men
Shellac - Excellent Italian Greyhound
Oxbow - The Narcotic Story

Adding some shit:
The Oh Sees - Sucks Blood
FT (The Shadow Government) - The Black & White Album
Brimstone Howl - Guts of Steel
The Pope - Sports

Albums of 2007

sparky wrote:The order has been made.

Thanks to you both.

The album really is very good. Check out 'I Don't Speak French' in particular.
daniel robert chapman wrote:The biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased cunts.

Albums of 2007

tallchris wrote:I bought more new music this year than laster year. In no particular order:

the Bismarck - "Blood of Patriots"
Shellac - "Excellent Italian Greyhound"
Bottomless Pit - "Hammer of the Gods"
Call Me Lightning - "Soft Skeletons"
Nina Nastasia and Jim White - "You Follow Me"
Meneguar - "Strangers In Our House"
Austerity Program - "Black Madonna"
Les Savy Fav - "Lets Stay Friends"
Battles - "Mirrored"
Replicator - "Machines Will Always Let You Down"

Special notice for my friends in Patience Please and Blackeyes and Neck Ties for releasing a pair of excellent records.

I have a feeling next year is gonna blow.

Excellent list!
The Bismarck album is great. The best of those guys' collective rock lineage. If I didn't know them I'd be shitting bricks over HOW this record hasn't been lauded to the heavens. But since I know them, I have my answer.

I would only add Sah's "06/06", the Low album, and Shannon Wright's new record.

Excellent fucking list.

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