Vistalite restoration project-Post your Vista-porn pics

Dr. Venkman wrote:See the swirlys? Gotta lose the swirls. The rest is just lint...

I know you mentioned trying the Novus polish with poor results. FWIW, the stuff I used on my clear kit was Meguiar's Mirror Glaze #10 and #17. It didn't take out every last scratch, but it did do a pretty good job. I did every drum with both formulas on the outside and the inside. I also used a #18 "plastic detailer", but that didn't seem to do much. I guess it's used for just routine polishing/cleaning/maintenance- they say not to use Windex or other ammonia-based products on the shells.

If I were you, I'd leave that seam white until I got the whole set put back together, heads and all. Then, if it still bugs you, you could go back and try and color it. I found that some of the details I was really sweating over seemed pretty insignificant once everything was put together and I was able to stand back and look at the "big picture". Plus, I'm usually not a fan of opaque heads on Vistas, but a white coated Ludwig logo head on the front of the kick might look, as they say, "tits".

here's a blue kit w/ a white front head... it works best w/ the darker shells, rather than yellow or clear...


Vistalite restoration project-Post your Vista-porn pics

Awesome drums, guys. I like the look of the white top heads too. Ditto for the kick.

I still have some of the original cymbal stands somewhere. I remember them being pretty crappy, though. They had plastic wingnuts that would bust off.

I'm not slaggin' Novus. I did get some good results from the novus #2. I just searched for a finer grit sandpaper, and it turns out that it goes up to 8000. Then there's a 10,000 grit which is a gel. I'll try and get my hands on that. I'll let y'all know how it turns out.

dontfeartheringo, is it hard to keep them from getting scratched at gigs? From some of your earlier pics, it looks like a wild scene.

Thanks for the kind words, everyone. (except for ubercat who called me an "asshat" in another thread) :wink:

offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

Vistalite restoration project-Post your Vista-porn pics

Dr. Venkman wrote:
dontfeartheringo, is it hard to keep them from getting scratched at gigs? From some of your earlier pics, it looks like a wild scene.

So far, so good- mostly it's just been thrown beer that's landed on them. I just wipe that off with a damp towel.

This is a new kit, not a vintage one, it's plastic, hell... it's probably going to be destroyed in a couple of years. Not the end of the world. I can always order shells one at a time from Gold'n'Times (that's SUCH a dorky name) or somewhere and transplant the hardware. As you said earlier- comic books are made to be read, toys are meant to be played with, and drums are meant to go to shows and get covered in sweat and beer and grime.

I have a set of vintage Slingerland Radio Kings that I toured on for six years. Guys would flip out on me- "YOU CAN'T BRING THOSE OUT TO CLUBS EVERY NIGHT!!" and I was sort of perplexed as to why not. Then one of my guitar players had a 1972 Les Paul Gold Top stolen off the stage in Savannah. That was an eye-opener.

But I beat the shit out of these drums. I mean, fuck... they're plastic. Take a reasonable amount of care with them, don't let anyone stand on the bass drum to do guitar solos, and put them in cases to move them, BUT take them out and play the hell out of them.

Whew.... let me climb down off this soap box....

Thanks for the kind words, everyone. (except for ubercat who called me an "asshat" in another thread) :wink:

He does that.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

Vistalite restoration project-Post your Vista-porn pics

Dr. Venkman wrote:Roto-tom Restoration Project

Step 1: find Roto-tom in milk crate full of random drum stuff

Step 2: Remove lugs and rim

Step 3: Carefully fuck drum into nearest trash bin

The End

Excellent plan!


you can reuse the tension rods and rim!

AND... the actual rototom basket has an interesting chime sound when suspended and struck. I have discovered that they make a really nice wind chime. REALLY nice. You have to hang something from them so that they catch the wind, and put it on some corner of the house that company doesn't see very often...

but, very nice.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

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