studio share available in Brooklyn

busbus wrote:
Ty Webb wrote: We live in Brooklyn, split a $1500/month rent tab on a pretty decent-sized apartment in a brownstone.

I think his point was, there doesn't seem to be such a thing as a $1500 non condo mortgage in NYC.

In Manhattan? Of course not and there hasn't been for years.

But you can certainly still find a sub-$2000 mortgage payment in a decent neighborhood in Brooklyn without living in a 40-unit building.
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studio share available in Brooklyn

Ty Webb wrote:
busbus wrote:
Ty Webb wrote: We live in Brooklyn, split a $1500/month rent tab on a pretty decent-sized apartment in a brownstone.

I think his point was, there doesn't seem to be such a thing as a $1500 non condo mortgage in NYC.

In Manhattan? Of course not and there hasn't been for years.

But you can certainly still find a sub-$2000 mortgage payment in a decent neighborhood in Brooklyn without living in a 40-unit building.

That's interesting. Sounds like my Park Slope sister in law needs to look in different neighborhoods. Eh?

studio share available in Brooklyn

Ty Webb wrote:But you can certainly still find a sub-$2000 mortgage payment in a decent neighborhood in Brooklyn without living in a 40-unit building.


Coop maybe... but you wouldn't own that. And you still have maintenance fees on top of the mortgage. For $2000 mortgage you would have to have a pretty big chunk to put down or it would have to be a small condo (1-bedroom or studio).

We rent out an apartment on the top floor so technically our mortgage is $2500.

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