crap / not crap

Total votes: 59 (50%)
not crap
Total votes: 59 (50%)
Total votes: 118

crap-not crap: paul mccartney

I hate this man with a passion that is usually reserved for... well, I guess Paul McCartney. I used to like when I thought that The Beatles were the shiznit. Then his songs just wore on me as well as making the mistake of getting one of his solo records. He became my least favorite Beatle. Then... that despicable.piece of shit said that he thought that the songs that he wrote the majority of or all of during The Beatles should be changed to say McCartney/Lennon. Wasn't being in a Beatle enough of a legacy for his ego to be feted? Obviously not. He needs to boost his ego even further by trying to change the well known and famous Lennon/McCartney partnership around because...? He is what I believe the definition of an asshat would be if asshat were a real word. He also encouraged Michael Jackson to by the rights to songs because there was money in that. That was a genius idea. Look what happened?


I truly hope he dies before Ringo because Ringo deserves the recognition for being the last Beatle alive.
He at least has a virtue unlike
Mr. "PleaseDieInAFireBecauseIHateYourFuckingGuts" McCartney
That virtue is called modesty.
Better yet, eat the placenta!!!

crap-not crap: paul mccartney

MorphineCharley wrote:The songs he wrote for the Beatles were the worst ones.

Angry_Dragon wrote:I hate this man with a passion that is usually reserved for... well, I guess Paul McCartney.

I anticipate that there will be much more McCartney bashing to follow. I will not be one of those bashers.

There are many McCartney songs that I will carry with me forever:

She's A Woman
I'll Follow The Sun
Paperback Writer
I'm Looking Through You
Eleanor Rigby
Here, There and Everywhere
Got To Get You Into My Life
Penny Lane
Fixing A Hole
Your Mother Should Know
I Will
Helter Skelter
Let It Be
The Long And Winding Road
Oh Darling!

I could probably add another twenty McCartney-penned Beatles songs to this list.

And there are plenty of songs from his Wings/solo days that I love as well, particularly Jet, Band On The Run, Junior's Farm, Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey and Maybe I'm Amazed.

Of course, there are bad McCartney songs. Please keep in mind that The Beatles were releasing two complete albums a year -- plus three to five double A singles for most of their existence. You'll probably end up with a "Hey Jude" or two along the way if that happens.

I love his voice. I love his melodies. I love his bass playing. I even love his drumming.

And I love the fact that he married a one-legged model.

Paul McCartney is very much NOT CRAP.
Last edited by Bradley R Weissenberger_Archive on Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:25 am, edited 2 times in total.

crap-not crap: paul mccartney

5 ... =mccartney

Already posted by Angry Dragon (did you forget?).

As I find slagging off Paul McCartney lazy, kneejerk and tiresome, I will quote myself rather than repeat myself:

tired of running joe wrote:Hmmm. Taking into account just how famous this guy is, I think he's turned out okay. He's an easy target. Everyone mentions the "Froggy Song". But people don't wail on Stevie Wonder so much for "I Just called To Say I Love You", which doesn't even have the get out clause of being a kiddies' song. Paul McCartney has encouraged and supported Brian Wilson. He seems to have raised a nice family. He didn't cheat on his wife and he didn't download child porn and he played some shit hot bass. And he wrote Helter Skelter. I think he's kept his shit together remarkably well, all told.

Yes his solo work is rubbish. No his Beatle songs are not the worst Beatle songs (although some of them are not very good! Woo Hooo! Yes! He did write some bad songs while he was in The Beatles! Well done! Well noted!).

We know this prick because he is a songwriter and a musician. He wrote Eleanor Rigby, She's Leaving Home and a chunk of A Day In The Life. His bass playing is among the best in pop music.

He was a twat, probably. Probably still is. John Lennon was also a twat. George Harrison was also a twat. Ringo was not a twat.

The abuse McCartney gets is proportionate to his fame, not his ability or talent. The end.
Back off man, I'm a scientist.

crap-not crap: paul mccartney

Paul is still my favorite Beatle. His post Beatle work was the best, w/ George a close second (just for All Things Must Pass). People pick on him for his fluff, even though Lennon had tons of fluff. Double Fantasy was crap.
Paul just wound up making more music so it's easier to pick on him.

Brad's list +

For No One

It's Getting Better

Let Me Roll It

Hold Me Tight

Maybe I'm Amazed

Too Many People - (Telling John "Piss off-yeah, heh heh heh" in the beginning of the song- many thought he was singing "Piece of cake..")

Ok, I could add more too.
Great Bass player.

Revolver sessions w/ pre-painted / pre-sanded Rick 4001.

Probably the ONLY reason I'll sit through the superbowl.

Even if he just plays "I Saw Her Standing There" It'll be good.
I later found out solos / bits I really liked and attributed to other Beatles were Pauls creation ("Taxman" guitar solo, "Dear Prudence" drums, "Good Morning, Good Morning" guitar solo).

Recording guitar solo for "Good Morning, Good Morning".
Last edited by Redline_Archive on Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

crap-not crap: paul mccartney

Angry_Dragon wrote:Mr. "PleaseDieInAFireBecauseIHateYourFuckingGuts" McCartney

Tell us how you really feel!

Paul as a personality is quite a twat.
I find the other guys more likable, but i bet one on one john was the bigger asshole.

In the grand scope of things, john is the grand solo soul of the beatles. From the avant garde oko stuff which is better than some folks give credit, to that majestic plastic ono band record, he's the ONE. I much prefer his voice and his beatle tunes. Paul is the better "musician", and his bass playing is stellar, but his solo tunes are way more radio disposal fodder.

I always piss off beatles fans when I tell them thart my favorite beatles album is lennon's plastic ono band record. but, it's true.

crap-not crap: paul mccartney

I couldn't care less about Paul McCartney, or the Beatles for that matter. I thought his songs were the worst songs though. The only good thing I have to say about Paul is that he introduced the rest of the Beatles to the music of Karlheinz Stockhausen, which would greatly influence them in the ways they recorded and so on.

Remember that McCartney song "Temporary Seceratary"? What a riot.


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