Anyone else having PRF problems?

johnnyshape wrote:
Tom wrote:
The Recent Posts\Polls thing on the homepage has been replaced by random images from the site.

You don't think Steve might have decided that a quarter of the front page of his website consisting of a mix of random sales pitches, paranoia, nerdular chat, and bullshit might not be the best front for his business?

and don't forget crackpot conspiracy theories...

Anyone else having PRF problems?

Glad to see the forum posts are finally taken off the main page.

Yes, lots of problems seeing the forum. Mostly the unable to connect to database deal.

I sent Steve a spiteful email letting him know that for every hour the forum is not operational, I will not pay him. Then I threatened his kitties. And by kitties, I mean testicles.

It's snowing like a beast in Chicago right now. Purty.

What else. Let's see.

Oh yeah, is anybody else having problems viewing the forum?
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

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