Anyone else having PRF problems?

Rick Reuben wrote:The incestuous clusterfuck of lies about 9/11, the War on Terror, the economy, the Federal Reserve, the new Stooges record, autism, the pharmaceutical industry, the JFK assassination, the mortgage market, the deficit, the dead bees and the poisoned pet food that is continually stoked by the ruling clique and their apostles has resulted in a data feedback loop of unforeseen proportions and ramifications. phpBB version 2.0 wasn't built to withstand this level of 'monkey see, monkey do'.

Yeah, I think it's just a missed semicolon or tilda somewhere in the program.

Anyone else having PRF problems?

If the forum we sit here refreshing every two minutes all day every day is having trouble, we should probably consider the fact that we are causing it. Go do some laundry and come back later, it's not like you pay for it.

Maybe someone could set up a forum Paypal so we can contribute to the cost of hosting.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

Anyone else having PRF problems?

We got rid of the forum headlines column because it can make a bad first impression on potential clients.
If in a glance, your eye goes from the word "welcome," to a words like "nigger," and "fuckstick," we have failed to introduce you to our studio.
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