Anyone else having PRF problems?

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I think we've found the text for the back of those PRF t-shirts...
arthur wrote:Don't cut it for work don't cut it to look normal, people who feel offended by your nearly-30-with-long-hair face should just fuck off.

Anyone else having PRF problems?

greg wrote:
We are keeping the hot side hot, and the cool side cool.

I used to make jokes about the McDLT all the time. Once I was installing some furniture at the Macdonald's corporate head quarters in New Orleans and I actually asked one of the ladies working there: "Isn't the McDLT (hot side hot/cool side cool) just a ridiculous repackaging of the cheesburger?" she just smiled and asked me to finish putting her desk together.

Anyone else having PRF problems?

phpBB version 2 might be slightly outdated in this "yesterday counts as outdated world" that most of you 12 year old whipper snappers live in but it's not outdated. phpBB version 3 is still in release candidate status and therefore not production ready. phpBB v. 2 has served us well since 2002 and the latest release, which we're running is only a year old.

Changing the forum software gives everyone, like scott, something new that they would have to learn. (And frankly, I doubt he could handle the challenge. The guy can't even edit a post.) We have quite a few tweaks and customizations that we've added to our version of phpBB and we wouldn't be guaranteed to have all of that functionality with a different version or application. vBulletin has plenty of drawbacks on it's own ($$). Not to mention that it looks pretty much like phpBB v. 2 these days anyway.

I'd be for upgrading to phpBB v3 if I could be convinced that the release candidate is stable.

The "critial database errors" that we've been seeing, I can't explain yet, but I did spend some time repairing some the forums tables that weren't passing a check cleanly. We'll see if that helps.

We don't average that many posts per day (avg of 293 a day since 2002 and some phpBB sites get over 50k a day). So, we shouldn't be seeing that many problems unless our host can't keep mysql running or I'm a slacker. I'm going to go with the latter for now and then slide toward the former as we go.

As far as load on the database that the index page might be causing, we get about 1% of the page hits on the index as we do on the forum's viewforum and viewtopic pages. And it should only be querying the database half of that time anyway. So, I don't think that's the culprit.

EDIT: Of course, 5 minutes after I post this, I decide to optimize the tables which locks the table while it processes. (See the slacker statement above.)

Anyone else having PRF problems?

otisroom wrote:Once I was installing some furniture at the Macdonald's corporate head quarters in New Orleans and I actually asked one of the ladies working there: "Isn't the McDLT (hot side hot/cool side cool) just a ridiculous repackaging of the cheesburger?" she just smiled and asked me to finish putting her desk together.

She was probably smiling because there's no lettuce or tomato on their cheeseburgers.
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

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