Little details from your day

dontfeartheringo wrote:
Alberto the Frog wrote:
emmanuelle cunt wrote:Is anyone here familiar with the band Ohbijou? I'm listening to their debut almost daily now. It reminds me His Name is Alive in many ways - weird pop with very smart and tasteful arrangements. Great autumn/winter music.

This music is lovely! Reminds me of Tanya Donnelly's Throwing Muses songs and even Hugo Largo in places.

100 points to Mr Cunt.


This is fantastic.

Thank you, Mr. Cunt.

Wow, that's good stuff. I haven't heard Hugo Largo in forever as well.
geiginni wrote:How about commemorative clock celebrating glorious anniversary of dead heros of great patriotic NASCAR?

Little details from your day

Sock OR Muffin? wrote:
dontfeartheringo wrote:
Alberto the Frog wrote:
emmanuelle cunt wrote:Is anyone here familiar with the band Ohbijou? I'm listening to their debut almost daily now. It reminds me His Name is Alive in many ways - weird pop with very smart and tasteful arrangements. Great autumn/winter music.

This music is lovely! Reminds me of Tanya Donnelly's Throwing Muses songs and even Hugo Largo in places.

100 points to Mr Cunt.


This is fantastic.

Thank you, Mr. Cunt.

Wow, that's good stuff. I haven't heard Hugo Largo in forever as well.

Yeah, this is really nice. Just what I needed this afternoon. Not sure that my co-worker agrees as she has her pursed lips and what's-that-shit-he's-listening-to-again face on.
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


Little details from your day

Positive detail: I stand a good chance of moving into an affordable dream apartment. It is a one-bedroom+, the only apartment in the basement of the building I work in...

It is too large, really, but it has incredibly high ceilings, and no windows. It is already a great-sounding space without much sound treatment...a ready-made project/rehearsal studio. With another huge 'bedroom'/iso/control room. A classy, new kitchen. With no neighbors and a foot of concrete between it and the outside world, I can get out of renting an additional practice space...and the commute, she cannot be beat...

Negative detail: The diabetes is back. My vision got blurry yesterday. I'm going to have to spend my day off researching charity healthcare, as my entire budget for the next two weeks, after paying rent yesterday, leaves me with 30 bucks and some change. Goddamnit.

Little details from your day

Newsstand/pseudo bodega in Brooklyn. There is a man of West Asian origin behind the counter. vockins (white, mid 30s) is about to buy a paper. Behind vockins there is a white woman in her late 20s.

Newsstand guy: $1.25, please.

vockins [opening wallet]: Son of a bitch, I've only got a dollar in here. I'm going to the ATM across the street to get some money, I'll be right back for that paper.

woman: I'll get it for you.

vockins: The ATM's right over there, I've got to go anyway.

woman: It's the season, take the paper.

vockins: Wow, that's great, thanks a lot.

Newsstand guy: $2.50, please.

woman [at 120 decibels]: PEACE BE WITH ALL FOREIGN PEOPLES. [woman crosses herself, raises open palms to sky, bows three times, exits]

vockins: [confused]

Newsstand guy: [confused]

vockins: What the fuck was that?

Newsstand guy: You tell me. I got here eight months ago.

vockins: I got nothing.

Newsstand guy: Peace be with all native peoples. Dude.

Little details from your day

The three brilliant women working in my bar this afternoon shared a bottle of fizzy wine with me, sang Happy Birthday and got me to blow out a candle. I'm still bouncing: so sweet! And my flatmate Marco gave me a present with a cigarette tucked into the wrapping ribbon, which was a beautiful touch.

I really do not want to go back to England so soon.

Edit: I forgot to mention the fact that all three bar tenders today are called Sara(h), which is also fab.
Gib Opi kein Opium, denn Opium bringt Opi um!

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