Let us see your pet.

Tonight my cat is moving to my sisters for good before I go traveling.

I am so sad

You are a very cool cat and I will miss your nightly shenanigans! The endless meowing for pats, love and food. I will miss standing in the aisles in the supermarket debating the best cut of meat for you.
I will miss your lush cuddly fur that kept warm when I was a cold and poor student. I will miss your squished face that makes me think cats with noses look weird. The endless malting and dead insect presents will always make the heart grow warm, for these remind me of the most characteristic loving cat.

Salut Boosh!


Tomorrow I am going to print this picture and frame it.

Let us see your pet.

This is Iggy, a chubby Manx with a deep rooted paranoia and suspicion of people. He's kind of a serial killer of small animals and likes to leave their parts in piles beneath the house, but he's a really sweet guy once he gets to know you.


Elvis Bojack, who is 9 months old and the newest addition to the family.


Bender, my best pal.


And here's an artsy fartsy picture of Bender and Elvis being gay together.


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