Living in Canada, going to high school around the time Sloan was being played to death on MuchMusic etc. I had to vote crap. They were a StuPar fave and fodder for assembly cover bands....
They do have a few good songs that I remember, maybe I should give them a fresh chance...
Band: Sloan
22Jesus I wish Sloan were overplayed where I live. Good music is illegal around here for some reason.
NC by a long shot.
NC by a long shot.
Band: Sloan
23The Canadian Beatles.
That's a good thing. NC at all.
That's a good thing. NC at all.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.
Band: Sloan
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.
Band: Sloan
25The Good In Everyone is like a coke's far too short and in that it's perfect.
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing
Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.
Band: Sloan
26Johnny C, where is your story about meeting Sloan? I have searched and I cannot find it.
Please re-tell/re-print it for the PRF.
Please re-tell/re-print it for the PRF.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.
Band: Sloan
27I agree with everyone's opines on "never hear the end of it." I was skeptical when I heard the premise for the last lp but it really slays the last 2. They hit a block of like 8 songs about 2/3 in that just whomp me over the head. solid n/c.
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:In the 1988 season the Orioles lost their first 21 games to set a ML record for most consecutive losses. I decided then to have their logo as my avatar.
Band: Sloan
28On another forum, I wrote:I met Sloan after their latest Saskatoon show and had an awkward conversation with Chris and Patrick, the latter of whom was trying to hit on a few ladies. See, I was getting my copy of Never Hear The End Of It signed and because I don't like just gettin' regular autographs I asked them to sign in the liners beside their favourite songs. Chris seemed interested and marked it down gladly, thanked me for telling him he put on an awesome show (which he did - if you can see Sloan live, do yourself a favour), and then signed my brother's CD because my brother suddenly became a chicken and didn't want to bother him. The conversation proceeded to go like this:
"So who's this for?"
My brother.
"Oh, is he at home or something?"
No, he's just over there. (wait why would you say that john)
"Oh. Why didn't he come over?"
I uh, I guess he just got nervous.
"I don't know why. I'm not a mean guy."
*awkward silence*
Yeah, sorry. Thanks for signing my CD though. Come back and play for us again!
"Sure thing."
Whereas Chris seemed to like the idea of signing beside his favourite song, Patrick seemed pissed off. Not because the idea was bad and not because I was interrupting his time with the ladies - signing autographs seemed to score him points with them, actually - but because, in his words, "I'm not signing someone else's song."
Under his breath, he mumbled, "Only got four fuckin' songs on the album anyways."
Last edited by Johnny C_Archive on Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Marsupialized wrote:You are shitting me
Band: Sloan
29Funny this thread got dredged up at this particular time.
I've been off the forums for a few days because I was in Toronto interviewing, drinking & eating with Sloan.
Kismet, I guess.
Great guys.
One of my favorite bands of all time.
Very generous with their time. I can't say enough good things about them.
I've been off the forums for a few days because I was in Toronto interviewing, drinking & eating with Sloan.
Kismet, I guess.
Great guys.
One of my favorite bands of all time.
Very generous with their time. I can't say enough good things about them.
Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.
Band: Sloan
30Johnny C wrote:On another forum, I wrote:"I'm not signing someone else's song."
Under his breath, he mumbled, "Only got four fuckin' songs on the album anyways."
poor Jay. He wrote four kickass songs for that record. He does look like the one everyone would pick on, though.
DrAwkward wrote:If SKID ROW likes them enough to take them on tour, they must have something going on, right?