All about DeKalb, Illinois

johnB wrote:
R.F.F. wrote:So sad to be the son of Denny Hasert. I wonder what he's lobbying for anyways? He didn't look the part of your typical lobbyist (tatoos/piercing).

Believe it

That is fucking hilarious. I knew Josh right when he was opening the store. He was dating my best friend's old roomate. I wonder if he had that bar code on his neck lazered off...

All about DeKalb, Illinois

Now I dunno if I should have searched up the bathroom graffiti thread and put it here, but if you've been hearing the news.....I have this email to complement it.

My email from the school:The following is an NIU Official Message:


Details: NIU officials are investigating a threat posted late Saturday evening in a campus residence hall which included a racial slur and references to the Virginia Tech shootings.

Written in black ink on a restroom wall in the Grant Towers D complex were two separate entries claiming that "things will change most hastily" in the final days of the current semester.

"Tell those n---ers to go home," the first entry reads. "ME / OUT ... Die Sem Burr 10th ... Hmz Sdn Cr." Officials believe the text message-style shorthand refers to "December 10" and "Holmes Student Center." Underlined letters within the first entry spell out the word "WATCH."

Following the initial entry is a second set of comments reading "What time? The VA tech shooters messed up w/ having only one shooter ..."

University leaders have notified all students, faculty and staff about the threats through postings on the NIU website, all-campus email, voicemail, fliers and area news media. Security in and around the residence halls, student center and other campus buildings has also been increased, and the campus remains under a security alert through the end of the semester.

Additional communications and offers of assistance for students, faculty, staff and visitors will continue throughout the week. Updated information will be provided as it becomes available on the university website at .

"My primary concern is for the safety of all members of our campus community, and to that end, we will err on the side of caution in all our actions," said NIU President John Peters. "We will not tolerate threats against individuals or groups," Peters said, "nor will we tolerate 'hate speech' of any type on this campus."

Final exams will proceed as scheduled, and university officials said students and staff should remain "calm but vigilant." Anyone with information about the threats is urged to contact the NIU Tipline at (815) 753-TIPS, or their local Crimestoppers or law enforcement agency.

This message has been approved for distribution by the appropriate NIU party.

and today finals have just been cancelled.

SO there's that. I guess I get more time to study International Econ. Policy and Public Finance......uncouth of a thing to say, sure. But were it not for V-Tech, this would probably go disregarded and said event would go down. This happens when you mix 10,000 kids from Naperville etc. with 10,000 kids from poorer towns/inner city seeking the benefits of the cheapest post-secondary education out there.

All about DeKalb, Illinois

AdamN wrote:
R.F.F. wrote:

This name is so funny to me. Charlie Laing (of Laing Management) is a decent guy. He built the house (Evans Scholar House) that I lived in for 4 years in DeKalb. Whenever we had any trouble, he'd send somebody over to fix a leak, plunge a toilet, etc for free. He even used to plow our parking lot for free! Then some ass sent him a bill for the basketball pole that he broke while plowing our parking lot. He stopped doing free stuff for us after that. For some strange reason, I just became very excited seeing his website. It must have brought back some repressed memories or something. Salut Charlie Laing of Laing Management!

So sorry to pass on the bad news...

Plane Crashes in North Georgia, Kills 1

and about the Evans Scholar House...

23. Northern Illinois University
Evans Scholars and Pi Kappa Alpha
Retaliation action resulting in death

With alcohol a factor, Louis Carfagnini dropped a cinder block from a rooftop and killed a fellow student, Brian White. The irresponsible act was apparently motivated by some fraternity members' beating of Carfagnini. Carafagnini profusely apologized to the victim's family during sentencing for his crime.

I lived in the aforementioned, east-of-campus area during my 2 years there. It was mainly inhabited by angry lesbians, hippies, junkies, and Calvin Johnson worshippers. Otto's is a great place to see a show, too bad there's never any one worth seeing play there (Mr. Blotto, Underwater ppl, etc.). My girlfriend at the time worked at the House and is a cool place to hang out. It is now owned by Fareed Haque, so I don't know how that has affected bookings.

Sorry I missed this the last time around. So sad about the Charlie Laing. He was a decent fellow. Also, that Brian White story is sad on so many levels. He was also a decent guy, as was the guy that threw the brick.

The closing of school seems like a bit of an over reaction, but I guess the school is operating on the better safe than sorry theory. I can't really blame the adminstration.

All about DeKalb, Illinois

Sycamore is noted for SEVERE flooding every few years, beware of where you set up residence if you value your belongings.

That VT copycat threat scare whatever is some kind of BS...

I have killed a ton of brain cells in and around Dekalb. Otto's, McCabes, the little bar next to McCabes, Amnesia (suck hole, but full of women). Molly's was a favorite.

The downside of Dekalb is that the bars closed at 1am... (start early, or find an after party)

Oh, and Burritoville about 2am was the best show in town. The huge burritos are quite nice, reminiscent of El Famous Burrito or El Gallo from the city and burbs.
"If you can't get 'yer rock & roll across in less than two minutes,
another five isn't going to make the difference"
- Lin Brehmer

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