crap / not crap

Total votes: 59 (50%)
not crap
Total votes: 59 (50%)
Total votes: 118

crap-not crap: paul mccartney

His new Starbucks album is remarkebly interesting for a guy in his mid 60's.

Watching him on PBS last year at Abbey Road write and record a song in about 10 minutes playing drums, bass, piano, guitar and vocals was quite interesting. He's an extremely talented multi-instrumentalist.

While his solo career is very hit or miss, he did have some pretty catchy songs post-Beatles:

Maybe I'm Amazed
Band On the Run
Another Day
Live and Let Die
Listen to What the Man Said (this one is kind of cheesy, but I love in the middle of the song when the vocals drown everything old and it sounds like an 1176 and/or LA2A combo squashing everything.)

Admitting to smoking pot and taking acid while being in the most popular band in the world, was pretty cool too.

Not Crap 8)

crap-not crap: paul mccartney

About 2 weeks ago, I was driving home and listening to KZOK (local classic rock station).

The dj posed a "name this album" question and said the first person to call in and answer would win a prize. The actual question was something like, "Name the record that was released 40(??) years ago today that got panned by critics for being a Sgt. Pepper's rip-off."

The answer was "Her Satanic Majesty's Request".

I called in, answered the question and won the prize.

It was a copy of Paul McCartney's new 3-disc DVD set and a copy of the new Led Zeppelin "Mothership" record. (CD, actually).

They both came the other day and I watched the first Paul McCartney DVD last night. It is so fucking horrible.

Really, really bad. In fact, I had a douche-chills overload.

Paul McCartney: So Bad indeed.

Still haven't got to the Zeppelin record yet.

crap-not crap: paul mccartney

Had to 50%-ize this again with some Not Crappage.

Anyone who can write "Eleanor Rigby," "Yesterday," "Lady Madonna," AND "Helter Skelter" will have earned my respect for all of that there perpetuity.

I've not yet had time to peruse this thread as rabidly as I would like, but for now..

Mainly I wanted to jump in on this Board (pardon my impertinence) and finally give Redline some Hello: You, Sir, seem to be quite the scholar on the subject of Things I Enjoy. I would like to answer the question you had for me some whiles back: RELAYER would be my favorite Yes album. And that probably would have been my answer to you back in '91 (wasn't it?) at the Frogs/Accident/Didgits show where we first met. I believe it must've been you who asked the question: "How long have you guys been getting away with this?"

And are you/were you in Couch Flambeau? Or do I have you confused with another Wisconsinite?

crap-not crap: paul mccartney

Yes. He definitely wrote For No One. And-- from the same album-- Got To Get You Into My Life, which somehow managed to sound "current" after it had been re-released as a single many years after Revolver had come out (and quite some time after The Beatles had broken up). Timelessness isn't the only criterion in which greatness is judged, but it's a nice ingredient.

People do, indeed, get too hung up (I agree with Trilonaut) on the whole "personality" thing. A: It has absolutely nothing to do with a person's musical output. B: We don't really know the person, anyway.

And I was amused to find out (three or so years ago) that my favorite Harrison guitar solo had actually been performed by Paul. Yeah, it's come up a few times: Taxman.

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