Little details from your day

Pure L wrote:
BadComrade wrote:Looks like I'll be buying doors off a wrecked one and replacing them myself instead of getting screwed by my insurance company. One of the doors I want has a dent in it, but the owner says it can be removed with paintless dent removal. Hope he's right...


Ding King.

I've used one on a friend's scooter's gas tank.

It totally worked.

It works but is a rip off. Just get one of these. If it is the type of dent a ding king can remove, this will do it at a fraction of the price.
Eat me.

Little details from your day

I was in this installation art group and we did shows around the bars and coffee shops in the area. One of them featured the artwork of Jay Dillion of the the Godz. His niece used are group as her forum for her uncles artwork. I posted general information about this show on the Bardo Pond website. Paul Thorton of the Godz wrote me an e-mail.

I recieved this the other day:

Fri. Dec. 7, at Anthology Film Archives on 2nd Street and 2nd Ave. NYC
MY performances on both shows was a Triumph!!!
For more info on me check
Thank you to all those people who attended!!!
Paul Thornton
Ty Webb wrote:I hope the little-known 8th dwarf, Chinky, is on that list.

Little details from your day

BadComrade wrote:
Pure L wrote:Dude.

Ding King.

I've used one on a friend's scooter's gas tank.

It totally worked.

Yeah, I'm guessing if the seller says a PDR place could remove it, he's probably right. I'm still waiting to hear from him / see a pic of the dent.

There's a trick for removing dents involving a hair dryer and then an upside down can of canned air that works sometimes (depends on the dent). I'll probably try that first (You can use dry ice to get most hail dings out, too.). If not, I'll bring it to a Dent Wizard authorized repair facility, since besides massaging the dent out with their special little pry bars, they can also fix the scratch on my rear bumper with another "magic" process, and take care of a few little chips here and there as well.

Thanks for the recommendation. Do they actually have locations other than their teaching campus locations? If so, I can't find any on their site.

Shit.....maybe mine's not an actual "Ding King". That site's kinda weird.

All I know is that I bought it at Schucks or something for about $30.

Worked like a champ. Everyone laughed when I brought it out (it was at a birthday party) but after the dings were taken out everyone cried tears of joy while they hugged me and then threw me on their shoulders singing the praises of me and my decision to purchase such a great product.

The party then took an unexpected turn as I was asked to be "hummingbird" to all of the ladies' respective "flowers".

Thank you, Ding King. Thank you......

Little details from your day

mrdfnle wrote:I was in this installation art group and we did shows around the bars and coffee shops in the area. One of them featured the artwork of Jay Dillion of the the Godz. His niece used are group as her forum for her uncles artwork. I posted general information about this show on the Bardo Pond website. Paul Thorton of the Godz wrote me an e-mail.

Jim from the Godz and I work together. He's a swell guy. I find it funny when I play their records in the darkroom office and people ask me to shut them off.

I am sitting here in my chair, on a rare day off. I took the day off because I had an eye doctor appointment.

My eyes are still dilated.

Ever try to go food shopping when you can't see? I made the mistake of going to Trader Joe's whilst

a) half-blind
b) eyes watering from the drops they put in my eyes
c) nose running from same

I know where the stuff I want is, so going up and down the aisles was not a problem, but since the drops were yellow, even though I kept my sunglasses on, people were staring at me. I had to keep blowing my nose. I held products at arm's length to make sure I was getting the right things. I had to ask people to tell me if things were what I thought they were. Even paying for my stuff was an excercise in humiliation, when I pulled out a 10 when I thought it was a 20.

When I got home I discovered I grabbed one bag of chocolate cinnamon cookies and one bag of chocolate peppermint cookies, instead of two cinnamons. Those peppermint cookies better be fucking good.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

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