Selling a Veleno?

holmes wrote:
sold yours to get an electrical too huh?

No, I sold it to Duane Denison so he would have a good guitar to play. The other two Beans I had I sold because the strings are too close to the body for my taste.

That's the same reason I can't play them cool Dan Armstrong see-through guitars. :(

What are Veleno's going for now?

Selling a Veleno?

Since they are so rare, I say have a photographer friend take some cool artsy shots and sell them.

I would buy some.

You have to keep it though...
"If you can't get 'yer rock & roll across in less than two minutes,
another five isn't going to make the difference"
- Lin Brehmer

Selling a Veleno?

Redline wrote:

What are Veleno's going for now?

zom zom wrote:
You tell me!

One was on eBay in October for $20,000.00. A different one in the UK is priced at $20,000.00 or so, 10,000.00 bloody pounds, whatever. They have not sold.

These seem to be speculative prices. I'd be more interested to see what offers those sellers are getting. My guess is they would take $16,000.00 or so.

In many ways, the vintage guitar market is just like the old Hot Wheel market now. Nice rare stuff is still going strong, less than nice stuff is in the dumper.

Selling a Veleno?

Am I the only one who has a sentiment for instruments?
Tim, you've been playing your Wedge bean for such a long time, it's probably like a buddy of yours by now, or an extension of your arm. Money is money, if you're not going to get kicked out of your house without the money you can get by selling a guitar you like, then why selling it?

that's just me.

Selling a Veleno?

eliya wrote:Am I the only one who has a sentiment for instruments?
Tim, you've been playing your Wedge bean for such a long time, it's probably like a buddy of yours by now, or an extension of your arm. Money is money, if you're not going to get kicked out of your house without the money you can get by selling a guitar you like, then why selling it?

that's just me.

I have a sentimentality. Of course, my main guitar is my first ever guitar, purchased in Dec. of 1989. My two other favorite guitars have both been in my possession for 10 years or more. then I have a few guitars that I could sell and not care all that much, though none of them are worth all that much.

Stuff is just stuff, but I get attached to instruments more than any other stuff.

Ben Adrian

Selling a Veleno?

R.F.F. wrote:
It's a struggle with medical stuff as anyone else without health insurance knows, every procedure is very expensive and if you miss a couple of payments like I did, the fucking hospital sends your debt to a collection agency who harasses you at work, even. I am still trying to figure out a way to get rid of these debts without selling the thing. I'm sure it will go up in value somewhat, but I can't imagine that much more than it's currently worth.

Collection agency are blood suckers who generally buy the debt at pennies on the dollar from hospitals. Medical debt usually goes for really cheap, because very few people actually pay it. I wouldn't pay more than $0.50 on the dollar. My mother-in-law has been paying the medical bills for her uncle recently and she learned a few tricks:
1) The hospital has several different rates for procedures. The book rate for insurance and rates for everyone else. She has been very successful in having bills lowered to the insurance rates by just asking.
2) Ask the hospital if they will forgive the bill. Many hospitals have funds set aside for people without insurance. My mother-in-law has also had success in getting $1000s of bills waived.
3) Suggest payment plans to the hospital that really favor you- like $50 a month or some other low ball amount. Many times they will accept this just to avoid the collection agencies.
4) If you have the cash offer really low pay-off amounts to the collection agencies. Almost anything you pay them is going to get them a return, so the quicker they have you money and can close the file the better it is for them.

RFF is pretty on... most collection agencys by loans for pennys on the $, and as long as you can pay 20-30% of the loan/bill you are fine...
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

Selling a Veleno?

eliya wrote:Am I the only one who has a sentiment for instruments?
Tim, you've been playing your Wedge bean for such a long time, it's probably like a buddy of yours by now, or an extension of your arm. Money is money, if you're not going to get kicked out of your house without the money you can get by selling a guitar you like, then why selling it?

that's just me.

I am not that sentimental about instruments.

My interest in them is relative to utility. I will probably never sell my Guild F50 acoustic or my Electricals, b/c they give me something I can't get w/any other like instruments, and they're not worth (at this moment) more in $ than they are as musicmakers.

The Wedge, it's a great bass, sounds very good. But I could get that sound w/something else. And its value in dollars has probably superceded its utility to me.

Selling a Veleno?

I've got all of my Dad's old gear. There is sentiment out the ying yang for that stuff. I still have my first snare, too. The Dad equipment isn't going anywhere at any price. My kid will get it when I die. She can do what she'd like with it after I drop dead.

I bought a Jazzmaster a while ago that's like the one my Dad used to play that I am sentimental about, but if those things keep going through the roof, fuck it, it's outta here.

The other shit - if I haven't used a piece of equipment in a month, I dump it.

Have I mentioned the LP Studio I'm selling for $600?

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