Ty Webb wrote:For the second time in about 4 months, a young woman passed out on the train practically right on top of me. The train was absolutely packed and she passed out just as she stepped aboard along with a big pack of about 12 other people.
I helped get her to the train floor without cracking her head open and straighten out her legs, which were bent under her at unnerving angles. Some bitch behind her was trying to convince people to carry her off the train. I had to look her in the eye and give her the alpha dog treatment to get her to shut up. "This train's not moving until she's conscious and we know she's okay. You don't move an unconscious person." I know she was saying it only so the doors would close and the train would get moving again. Cunt.
The girl came to quicker than the last one that passed out on me and was able to get off the train and to a seat on the platform mostly on her own. I bet dollars to doughnuts that just like the last one, she passed out because she hadn't eaten in a long time.
I'm sexy but I'm not Elvis. Why can't these women stay conscious around me? At least they don't throw panties on the way down.
Look what happens when a southern man goes to the City... chicks passing out all over the place.
Seriously, though, it was awfully thoughtful of you to make sure people did the right thing. This reminds me of my (short) time is a massive urban environment. You keep holding up subways just to keep someone from dying while preventing people from getting to the nail salon and you're not going to last very long up there.