who hates Me ?

MrFood wrote:Fucking hell.

I know I'm being a hypocrite for what I'm about to say because I moan when other people say it - but now, it's becoming unavoidably true.

EA is starting to fucking suck.

It's gone through various periods of suck, but the people causing the suckiness are eventually removed or ignored off the board, and normality resumes.

But 2007 has seen an influx of hardcore assholes populating this board, and a fair amount of the old, funny, interesting posters have pretty much disappeared - possibly for the reasons stated above.

Whinging, bitching, shit-talking and general retardedness has dominated the GD forum - just look at all the dodgy sex-act related threads just recently - they've had to take the latest-forum-posts thing off the front page for this specific reason. And a couple months ago there was about 10 threads with the word 'nigger' in the title.

I know I'm not the most well placed person to make this kind of comment - I contribute to the stupid often enough.

But damn people... it's everywhere right now.

And this thread is fucking embarrassing.

Someone change this motherfucker's diaper so he'll quit his fucking crying already.
Boo fucking hoody hoo hoo, if you think this board sucks then go away and fuck off. Go find somewhere else
The EA forums will rule forever. It's a living thing, it grows and changes and does not stay the same just like anything else. That's what's cool about it. It's a garden that is allowed to just grow, sometimes there's weeds, sure...but there's always all kinds of other weird shit growing in there as well.
The last thing it needs is some asshole neighbor poking his head over the fence saying what a shitty garden it is and how this garden used to be so much better and blah fucking blah blah blah.

The sex threads all made me laugh and it looks a lot cooler with the equipment on the front page anyway.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

who hates Me ?

scott wrote:...last week you got into a stupid argument and called someone a "faggot" as part of your response, so in my characterization of you, that bumped you down quite a bit. Now instead of thinking of you as neutral, it's more like you're a douchebag.

It's possible to regain that respect that you so casually lost, but it'll take a lot of time and work that I'm assuming you're not gonna pursue.


Steve V. wrote:EA = NEVER CRAP.


Marsupialized wrote:Someone change this motherfucker's diaper so he'll quit his fucking crying already.
Boo fucking hoody hoo hoo, if you think this board sucks then go away and fuck off. Go find somewhere else
The EA forums will rule forever. It's a living thing, it grows and changes and does not stay the same just like anything else. That's what's cool about it. It's a garden that is allowed to just grow, sometimes there's weeds, sure...but there's always all kinds of other weird shit growing in there as well.
The last thing it needs is some asshole neighbor poking his head over the fence saying what a shitty garden it is and how this garden used to be so much better and blah fucking blah blah blah.

The sex threads all made me laugh and it looks a lot cooler with the equipment on the front page anyway.


who hates Me ?

Rick Reuben wrote:
MrFood wrote: And a couple months ago there was about 10 threads with the word 'nigger' in the title.

I highly doubt that. I doubt there was one, and if there was one, I bet it was moderated away quickly.

The Search engine turns up zero posts with 'nigger' in the thread title.

I sure didn't see these threads.
There weren't 10.
There were at least 3 though.
Boombats went on a tangent and there were a few mock threads.
I can only assume they got deleted or edited.
pwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Rift Canyon Dreams

who hates Me ?

Rick Reuben wrote:
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:Boombats went on a tangent and there were a few mock threads.
I can only assume they got deleted or edited.

Google found this thread:

http://electrical.com/phpBB2/viewtopic. ... 71d3d682a1

And that's it. Nothing else with 'nigger' in the thread title.

I see it was started in July '07. That's why I missed it. Steve gave me July off.
Boombats edited his title.
BadComrade did too.
pwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Rift Canyon Dreams

who hates Me ?

emmanuelle cunt wrote:Anyone willing to talk about bikes? My bike is still on summer type tyres, and it is fun as hell to ride them snow/ice. Not very safe, perhaps.
<chick from fight club voice>
</chick from figt club voice>

I grew up in a village surrounded by lakes (not entirely, for 'twas not a fairy tale village) and in the winter we'd ride our BMXes onto the frozen lakes (occasionally horses would stray across the ice and onto the small islands in the lakes and complicated rescue plans would need to be hatched and executed).


When I was 12 or 13, I slide from my bike while engaged in ice-BMXing and broke my collor-bone.

Psycho-Adam (who later killed a child, as detailed eslewhere (cannot find)) punched me right on my broken collar-bone one my first day back at school after breaking it.

The end.
Last edited by Alberto the Frog_Archive on Thu Dec 13, 2007 5:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride.

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