the Mitchell Report

Yeah, Joyner admitted 'roids.

Wouldn't be shocked by anyone being on it.

The only person I hope isn't on it is Edgar Martinez.

This is a great day for Barry Bonds, incidentally. It doesn't make his legal trouble go anywhere, but it helps him out quite a bit otherwise. I know, I know, you still hate him etc.

the Mitchell Report

Do we really want our elected officials spending their time and our tax dollars policing pro sports?

I love pro sports, but I recognize its "just a game", I don't need congress trying to attention whore by holding "hearings" about trivial things like which roid head shot the other dumb lump in the buttocks or who rubbed "the clear" on who.

Its way too fucking gay

the Mitchell Report

There's nothing that can be done about the Steroid Era - it happened. Unless they go college football on us and void scores and records. But that won't happen.

When it's looked back on we'll all just have to decide for ourselves how to interpret the era. It will impact whether some players get into the Hall of Fame, but the era a player played in always affects this. If you played in the 90s you'll need like 6-700 homeruns to get in.

But it wasn't just the power hitters it turns out. No player named would surprise me.
Dr. Geek wrote:I once found a soggy dollar floating in a puddle on the side of the street. I carefully picked it out of the water before it sank to the bottom. It smelled funny after it dried.

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