the Mitchell Report

greg wrote:More Names!!

George Rudnitski
Daniel Russell
Robert Salvagno
Raymond Satterwhite
John Savva
Nicholas Sayer
James Schwabe
Ulrich Seif
Bruce Shaffer
David Shaw
Min bum Shin
Matthew Sloan
Catherine Smith
Charles Smith
Kevin Smith
Nancy Smith
David Crocker
Richard Snyder
Navjot Sohi
Michael Speer
Eric Staton
Kurt Steinhauer
Michael Stirniman
Paul Strauss
Judith Stroup
Mary Lou Stuart
Christine Sunseri
Eddie Sweeney
Richard Taylor
Thomas Tebben
Lucy Thomas
Patricia Thomas
Charlene and Albert Thompson
Scott Turner
Joel Tuscano
Jose Tuscano

Frank Vanzile
Devang Vashi
Ernestine Wade
Robert Walters
Jerry and Ruby Wei
Micheal Weisberg
Marc White
Mary White
Linda Whittelsey
Suzan and Kraig Williams
Birthe and Virgil Willis
Stacy Wilson
Jon Witty
Laurie Wolf
Larry Pulliam (Honor Patrick Brennen)
Megan Wolfenden
Wong Family
Karen Wright
Stanley Yamane
Marian Yamashita
Judith Yang
Lawrence Yang
Todd and Fern Yoshida
Susan Zhang
Sharon Zimmerman
Raymond Yanira
Kerry Wood

You forgot Pinky Tuscadero.

the Mitchell Report

Dr. Venkman wrote:Is it possible that the Mets had prior knowledge of Paul LoDuca being listed? That might explain why they didn't re-sign him for what appeared to be no good reason.

Dykstra - no shit. My man gave not a fuck 'bout nothin'.

stuff like will be coming from many teams
Here's an interesting excerpt from the report regarding the Red Sox’ pursuit of Gagne. Boston traded for the relief pitcher in the middle of last season:

When the Boston Red Sox were considering acquiring Gagné, a Red Sox official made specific inquiries about Gagné’s possible use of steroids. In a November 1, 2006 email to a Red Sox scout, general manager Theo Epstein asked, “Have you done any digging on Gagne? I know the Dodgers think he was a steroid guy. Maybe so. What do you hear on his medical?” The scout, Mark Delpiano, responded,

"Some digging on Gagne and steroids IS the issue. Has had a checkered medical past throughout career including minor leagues. Lacks the poise and commitment to stay healthy, maintain body and re invent self. What made him a tenacious closer was the max effort plus stuff . . . Mentality without the plus weapons and without steroid help probably creates a large risk in bounce back durability and ability to throw average while allowing the changeup to play as it once did . . . Personally, durability (or lack of) will follow Gagne . . ."

Another interesting revelation in the portion of the report about Donnelly:

In considering whether to trade for Donnelly in 2007, Red Sox baseball operations personnel internally discussed concerns that Donnelly was using performance enhancing substances. In an email to vice president of player personnel Ben Charington dated December 13, 2006, Zack Scott of the Red Sox baseball operations staff wrote of Donnelly: “He was a juice guy but his velocity hasn’t changed a lot over the years . . . If he was a juice guy, he could be a breakdown candidate.” Kyle Evans of the baseball operations staff agreed with these concerns, responding in an email that “I haven’t heard many good things about him, w[ith] significant steroid rumors.”

the Mitchell Report

Here's an interesting excerpt from the report regarding the Red Sox’ pursuit of Gagne. Boston traded for the relief pitcher in the middle of last season:

When the Boston Red Sox were considering acquiring Gagné, a Red Sox official made specific inquiries about Gagné’s possible use of steroids. In a November 1, 2006 email to a Red Sox scout, general manager Theo Epstein asked, “Have you done any digging on Gagne? I know the Dodgers think he was a steroid guy. Maybe so. What do you hear on his medical?” The scout, Mark Delpiano, responded,

"Some digging on Gagne and steroids IS the issue. Has had a checkered medical past throughout career including minor leagues. Lacks the poise and commitment to stay healthy, maintain body and re invent self. What made him a tenacious closer was the max effort plus stuff . . . Mentality without the plus weapons and without steroid help probably creates a large risk in bounce back durability and ability to throw average while allowing the changeup to play as it once did . . . Personally, durability (or lack of) will follow Gagne . . ."

Sounds familiar, ahem..
me, back in october...
But the most interesting thing about him (Gagne) now sucking ass is that he an obvious 'roids casualty.
This happens a lot, esp. with pitchers. They juice up, come outta nowhere or a history of mediocrity, and have an amazing year or two. Then, when they gotta get off the juice for whatever reason(s), they invariably get injured, usually for the long-haul, and never even come close to returning to their past form.

This is more of a moment of schadenfruede for me re: Gagne getting busted than self-congrats for having his M.O. pinned down pre-Mitchell report.
I just never liked his stuff.
D. Perino deduced: "The Cuban Missile Crisis?...“It had to do with Cuba and missiles, I’m pretty sure.”

the Mitchell Report

dlayphoto wrote:Clemens is already claiming slander...

Clemens lawyer has a good point, 1 eyewitness won't get you jack shit in a courtroom. Most jurors ignore eyewitness testimony. I was on a jury and the judge could smell that a bunch of the jurors were numnuts who were tuning out credible testimony. He had to explain after dismissing the head juror that if a witness is credible, their testimony has to be taken into account as real evidence.

We went back to delib, first thing out of the new head juror's mouth "I think, he still really loves her".... I had to shut down that nonsense as others were either not interested in discussing the case at all, or caught up in the soap opera antics of emotions. We ended up voting the right way, guilty, based on evidence of a police report, an eye witness and going over the timeline meticulously.

We'd prolly still be in there discussing whether or not he "still really loves her" if I hadn't put the kibbosh on that scoodaddle

the Mitchell Report

Dr. Venkman wrote:Is it possible that the Mets had prior knowledge of Paul LoDuca being listed? That might explain why they didn't re-sign him for what appeared to be no good reason.

Dykstra - no shit. My man gave not a fuck 'bout nothin'.

...except how buff he was looking. Loved him on the field but post-game interviews that dude did nothing admire his ever-growing guns and pecs.
Anyone else remember Lenny being inordinately preoccupied with his own physique at inappropriate moments?
D. Perino deduced: "The Cuban Missile Crisis?...“It had to do with Cuba and missiles, I’m pretty sure.”

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