The Synth-Beatbox Love Thread

There isn't nearly enough keyboard talk on this forum to fill the lust in my heart, so I get carried away.


ok nerdy synth fags. here you go.

i'll start.

i think the 1st synth i would consider a true love was my Juno 60.

couldn't believe the sounds, as before that i had been limiting myself to casio/yamaha keyboards that i stole from family or found in the trash.

turned out like my 1st love. beautiful but impossible to hold onto, as soon after the bugger started fucking with me, blinking booping and then resetting to it's default. even if i was in manual mode.

no one would offer a solution to my trouble
and so months later, after selling it i found a second almost perfect 60
after replacing the internal battery i had my love replaced with a newer prettier version.

then the worst happened.

the same fucking thing.

sold it and swore off internal memory.

The Synth-Beatbox Love Thread

My first synth was a Yamaha DX100. something like the dx7's little song. small keys. no velocity. some nice sounds. pain in the ass to program. bought it for 100, sold a year later. don't regret it.
Now i only own a An1x, i talked about it here.
In the middle i used LOADS of soft synths. my favorite ones were one called Pentagon and other called Z3ta. they were pretty good. and also the copy of the Arp Oddisey. that was a good one too.

Never played with drum machines, but when i grow up i would love to own one of those nice mc-307 or mc-505 things just to play with them. fun, love-able boxes.
so yeah, i'm a pussy.

The Synth-Beatbox Love Thread

Rimbaud III wrote:Ooooh oooh! It's not to everyone's taste, but the EDP Wasp makes me pretty sexy in the pants too

Yeah, but are you coming up my ass?

I've been pretty spoiled as far as synthesizers go, the first ones I got to play with (except for crappy GM type things) were a VCS3 and a small Moog modular that were sat (unused as far as I could tell) in a place I did some work experience at when I was about 16. Mainly just plugging stuff in with no idea what I was doing, but it whetted my appetite. After that I learned principles of synthesis on a Prophet 5 and an Arp Odyssey that belonged to a school teacher of mine. I've used a couple of Roland Juno and SH things, Yamaha CS monosynths and so on, and a bizarre kit-synth made by a company called Clef that was completely unstable but kind of cool.

The main thing I've learned from it all is that I'm not really interested in synthesizers as keyboard instruments, and I find synths with hardwired architecture incredibly frustrating. So I'm waiting for a VCS3 of my very own, and have a Synthi A on loan til then. I'm also in a band with a guy that has a big Analogue Systems modular which is really good, I reckon I might get a small one of those for myself at some point too...

The Synth-Beatbox Love Thread

FuzzBob wrote:I want one of these:


I used to own a Prophet 6, we used it alot on our first 2 records, but it died, We now use an Alesis Ion, but still can not replicate all the things the 6 did...
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

The Synth-Beatbox Love Thread

Rimbaud III wrote:Ooooh oooh! It's not to everyone's taste, but the EDP Wasp makes me pretty sexy in the pants too:


I have no clue what that thing is but it is hott with two "Ts"
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

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