Little details from your day

burun wrote:
lemur68 wrote:I wonder if the Germans, or possibly the Inuit, have a word for when you need to go to bed, but you're putting it off because you're enjoying sitting in your brand new multi-fiber executive office chair you won as a door prize at work today.

Were you supposed to leave it in your office?

What were the other door prizes?

I'm flattered that you think I have an office. :) I ain't even got a cube, but that's why I'm a college student again....

Everybody won something, and it was all real good stuff too, chairs, printers....and the grand prize was a laptop. I work for a large national office supply concern and we had pallets of stuff that wasn't salable for whatever reason (discontinued, most likely), so they used some of it to give away to us. I was floored, as this was the first time I've seen this or any other employer not just give out straight up crap for Christmas.
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

Little details from your day

m.koren wrote:
enframed wrote:alright.
so my new short boss is using his boss's assistant...

Hey, what's with you and this whole boss obsession ? Like, almost every fucking post !

I enjoy the "new short boss" series. I bet I'm not alone.

The last episode made me wonder if it was an elaborate work of interactive fiction that builds from mundane facts to a detailed and gripping storyline. Certainly the groundwork has been laid so that I could now believe almost anything about NSB.

I can't wait for the season finale.
simmo wrote:Someone make my carrot and grapefruits smoke. Please.

Little details from your day

Though Gale's condition has improved, she has a long way to go, Police Chief Jack Lumpkin said Thursday.

Gale lost a massive amount of blood, and doctors probably saved her leg through several surgeries on damaged arteries, according to Lumpkin, who said Gale's condition had 'improved.'

'There remains some serious concerns regarding the immense blood loss that Courtney experienced, but we have tremendous faith that she will also conquer that hurdle,' the police chief said in an e-mail to county employees. 'She is slowly responding to physical stimulus. This could improve in the next hour, day, week or month. Keep her in your prayers.'
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

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