Selling a Veleno?

tmidgett wrote:
eliya wrote:Am I the only one who has a sentiment for instruments?
Tim, you've been playing your Wedge bean for such a long time, it's probably like a buddy of yours by now, or an extension of your arm. Money is money, if you're not going to get kicked out of your house without the money you can get by selling a guitar you like, then why selling it?

that's just me.

I am not that sentimental about instruments.

My interest in them is relative to utility. I will probably never sell my Guild F50 acoustic or my Electricals, b/c they give me something I can't get w/any other like instruments, and they're not worth (at this moment) more in $ than they are as musicmakers.

The Wedge, it's a great bass, sounds very good. But I could get that sound w/something else. And its value in dollars has probably superceded its utility to me.

You have the Wedge for a long time now, no? You've toured with it, recorded with it, made awesome music with it. I'm not criticizing you in any way for thinking of selling it, I'm just trying to understand your view. Almost all instruments have replacements(almost), I guess you're looking at the wedge the same way Im looking at a car, it's a car, it serves it's purpose and when it's time to move on, then it's time to move on.

Selling a Veleno?

eliya wrote:You have the Wedge for a long time now, no? You've toured with it, recorded with it, made awesome music with it. I'm not criticizing you in any way for thinking of selling it, I'm just trying to understand your view. Almost all instruments have replacements(almost), I guess you're looking at the wedge the same way Im looking at a car, it's a car, it serves it's purpose and when it's time to move on, then it's time to move on.

Yes, exactly. It's like a car.

For example, I sorta wish I still had my 1967 Caprice, but it was a ridiculous car to own in Chicago, in particular. I loved it, but it was a total land yacht that got 12mpg, and I had to work on it a lot, and it was gonna rust to bits b/c I couldn't afford to recondition it. I don't really miss it.

I will sorta wish I still had my Wedge, if I sell it, but I don't play it often at all now. If I get another bass that sounds great (a replacement), it won't bother me that much. If I sell it. Which I might not.

At the moment, I can't imagine selling, say, any of the Electrical baritones I have. They all sound fantastic, they all sound different, and I know nothing else can do what they do. I don't think they can be replaced, exc. by other Electrical baritones.

Thank you for saying awesome.


Selling a Veleno?

I'm in a similar boat with my TB1000 artist. It does not look like a potato, and the headstock is MUCH less offensive than that Star trek abortion Veleno inlaid ruby headstock thing. In comparison to my other guitars it's the one that I play the least (I have another Bean- a TB1000s that I like better, and an Electrical, so I'm not in any need of any more aluminum instruments..)

(not knocking Velenos, they have great necks but they aren't any prettier than Beans.. really. And I don't have a beard.)

I just can't handle the thought of this guitar that could fetch 5k sitting in a case in the basement. I really almost never play it. I'm rationalizing why I should keep it?

I'm not poor, and that's the only reasoning I have at the moment for not putting it on eBay. The car argument is really doing it for me.

I suppose there's always the possibility that the Vintage market could eat shit (we've discussed this before) and these guitars worth several K could be firewood- like the Scott Chinery collection. Does that frighten anyone here with rare guitars? You could be sitting on a temporary goldmine laced with dynamite.

Selling a Veleno?

mr.arrison wrote:
zom-zom wrote:Now they're arguing about their Bean Baked Potatoes in my thread.

I'll put in back on track.

Sell the Veleno.

Don't sell it.
just keeping you on the track..

Mr Arrison, as for you question about sitting on a temporary goldmine. Basically, everything is like that, I mean if you have an apartment in Manhattan or something, it's probably worths lots of money right now it could be worth even more in ten years and it could be going down. I guess everything is like that. Just set yourself a barrier.

Selling a Veleno?

It's a simple question really, and I'm not going to put figures down here since we all know Monsieur Gallo reads these threads and will try and use any numbers here to his advantage in haggling.

Think about what you originally paid for it (ahhh! those were the days! Good guitars for cheap!)

Ask Steve what he sold his for. (I'm sure you've already done this.)

The last time I saw a Veleno seriously sold on Ebay I think it went for $10,000 and it was number 177 (or maybe 172? Something like that.)

Will that amount of money get you out of debt?

Think about how you feel about the guitar. You don't love it as much as some other guitars, but do you love it enough that you want to keep it? Is there some song that you can only play on that guitar and none other?

Write all these things down on a piece of paper. Study the piece of paper. Scribble on it. Makes notes about it. Then at the bottom of the piece of paper write "I will keep the Veleno until [year] or [death]." or "I will sell the Veleno for [xxxxx] dollars" and circle it.

Then put the paper down on the table, and go to sleep.

If, in the morning, the piece of paper is still there, then act on what you wrote down.

Selling a Veleno?

sleepkid wrote:Think about how you feel about the guitar. You don't love it as much as some other guitars, but do you love it enough that you want to keep it? Is there some song that you can only play on that guitar and none other?

Write all these things down on a piece of paper. Study the piece of paper. Scribble on it. Makes notes about it. Then at the bottom of the piece of paper write "I will keep the Veleno until [year] or [death]." or "I will sell the Veleno for [xxxxx] dollars" and circle it.

Then put the paper down on the table, and go to sleep.

If, in the morning, the piece of paper is still there, then act on what you wrote down.

This is fantastic advice. So fantastic in fact, that I'm currently taking it myself, only replace "guitar" and "Veleno" with "wife".
A little chi kung up the Ch'ueng Mo O))

Selling a Veleno?

replace "piece of paper", too.

then film the whole thing for us.


Think about how you feel about the wife. You don't love her as much as some other wives, but do you love her enough that you want to keep her? Is there some song that you can only play on that wife and none other?

Write all these things down on your wife. Study your wife. Scribble on her. Makes notes about her. Then on the bottom of your wife write "I will keep my wife until [year] or [death]." or "I will sell my wife for [xxxxx] dollars" and circle it.

Then put your wife down on the table, and go to sleep.

If, in the morning, your wife is still there, then act on what you wrote down.
"I'm not much for screechin' about elves"

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