The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

So I watched that Loose Change Final Cut.

Thought it was okay. Wisely chose to highlight the anomalies and call for an investigation rather than proposing some of the wackier alternate theories.

However, I've still got a problem with the presentation.
I was under the impression that after having a hundred million downloads, or whatever it was, someone had put some money into this.

Did they?

If so, where the hell did the money go?

Okay the graphics are a bit fancier but Christ they should have learned how to conduct an interview. Forgive me - I fancy myself as a filmmaker - but the sound is just appalling on some of those interviews. And the angles...?
My mate Egg who does wedding videos would have done a damn sight better if you ask me.

Also why has he chosen to narrate it himself again?
I heard somewhere Charlie Sheen was going to do it. Mr Sheen isn't going to add any credibility mind you but he is an actor so will be versed in manners of presentation.
Avery just comes across like a whiney college student so puffed up by his own self righteousness that he sounds like he's about to hyperventilate at the end of every sentence.
Anyone (almost anyone) would have been better. In fact they should have got the woman who narrated that BBC doco to do it just to sprinkle even more post-modern confusion over the proceedings.

Opportunity missed I reckon.

On a related note - I was going to ask someone to buy me 'Debunking 9/11 Debunking' this Christmas but thought I'd wait instead for the sequel. I am pondering whether said sequel will be called 'Debunking 9/11 Debunking Debunking' or 'Debunking Debunking 9/11 Debunking'


Or is either permissible?


The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

Rick Reuben wrote:Highlights from the BBC's flagship news and current affairs programme, Newsnight, broadcast less than 10 hours after the attacks on September 11, posted two days ago to youtube.

Notable for statements by Richard Perle, who appears keen throughout to imply a connection with Iraq and Iran -- thus sticking to the Project for the New American Century script, of which he is co-author.

I missed this before, and they've took it down. Wonder why?

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

Rick Reuben wrote:
Dr. Venkman wrote:So, your "source" is a guy who is high ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
Man are you a dope...Willie Nelson is not a 'source' on 9/11. He wasn't there.

Neither were you. But I was. So, fuck you. That's why I don't post in/read this thread (The Willie Nelson crack was just that; a crack). I take this thread as a personal insult. It should be insulting to anyone who was affected. Anyone who's friend or family member was killed should be insulted by your cavalier assumptions.

offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

Rick Reuben wrote:
Dr. Venkman wrote:Neither were you. But I was. So, fuck you.
Fuck you. You're afraid of the truth so you shill for the myth.

Those were explosions.

Kerosene can burn around steel all day without weakening it.

Kerosene definitely doesn't leave pools of molten steel either, or cause it to rain down the buildings like waterfalls.

Concrete doesn't turn to dust by other concrete pancaking on it.

Gravity doesn't eject girders hundreds of yards laterally.

NORAD doesn't miss four targets all in one day.

al Qaeda is a myth.

You can take your 'I was there' and put it on the headstone when the myth is killed by the truth. Every year, more family members wake up. What are you waiting for, sucker? To hear it on 60 Minutes?

I wish you good luck in all your future endeavors.

offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

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