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also: I enjoy Nirvana. I have all of their cds, and I dont plan on ever selling them. Besides the music being good, it was my first exposure to Steve's great recording skills, and i wouldn't have ever found out about many other cool bands if I never listened to them.

While I dont necessarily hate the indie scene, I do acknowledge it's existence and I enjoy poking fun at it. In new orleans there is a very small indie contingent that ends up going to most of the same concerts around town. It's not elitist or snobby, but it does exist. In October when i went to NYC and walked around the neighborhood that the North 6 is in (a little north of williamsburg) I was exposed to a completely new level of hipsterdom and indie scenes. I can totally understand how it might get a little tiring being in that enviroment, so maybe that is why people from other places have stronger opinions against indie snobbery.

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Yeah it's the same when I go into the C-note to grab some coffee. there's 200 "artists", all in tight black or earth tone clothes and black framed glasses sitting around discussing Ayn Rand and Meis Van Der Rohe.
true independence means regardless of the other people aorund you, this is what you like and do.
But without them, there woudn't be anything to be independent from.

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I've never really been a Nirvana fan. And the elements of their success coupled with the dismantling and gentrification of musics that I grew up on, respecting and admiring, didn't help me like them any more, even though that ultimately has little to do with the actual music (or them as people, etc).

But after reading this for a couple of days, I decided to go find a copy of "in utero" and take an objective listen.

And I will say this: It is a pretty fucking good LP.

Sure, it's baffling to stop and remember frat boys singing along to "rape me" at the kegger...but it is definately an honest recording.
But I digress. Please continue with the squirrel circuit semantic debate.

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