Total votes: 67 (75%)
not crap
Total votes: 22 (25%)
Total votes: 89

Band: Stone Temple Pilots

tmidgett wrote:>>I hate you Nickelback. Hate. I want in on throat punching.

ok, you punch the bass player in the throat in mpls, i will punch the guitar player in the throat here, and brad, you punch the singer in the throat in boise, id. we will let the drummer off the hook, since he probably has a low i.q. and doesn't really know what is going on.

Ha, I've met the drummer from Nickelback on more than one occasion. He is the only person in the band I've met. I wish I had an amusing memory of my encounters with him, but I don't.

I would say he seems to be of average intelligence.

(I met him in the context of his work with The Corb Lund Band)

Band: Stone Temple Pilots

STP had one really good chord in a song somewhere. I'm not even taking the piss. I remember hearing this one chord and thinking "that's a really great chord".

But still. CRAP. No waffle.

Being in the UK however we were slightly luckier in terms of our exposure to all that rubbish. Yeah we still got it all, but not as bad as most of you guys. It must have been tough times.

I mean, i had to look up who LIVE were. That's geographic luck right there.
You're a shit DM and i want my pizza money back.

Band: Stone Temple Pilots

Music for dumb kids?

Dumb music for kids?


I was watching a Dumb Kid Music Countdown, and there is a new trend.

Maybe it is not so new, but I just saw it the other day.

There are lots of teenage girls with hits. Their songs are all about the same thing. The young teen once had a boyfriend, but he did something wrong, like hurt her feelings, and so she is angry. She sings "I'm over you," or "I don't need you anymore," or "Things are great without you."

The old boyfriend is old. He is not a teen.

So then, somehow, the angry, young teen gets into his apartment and then she trashes it, or she plays some sort of revenge trick that is elaborate and retarded, or she punches the mirror/wall.

The young teen with the hurt feelings is often a psycho or a stalker, but by the end, she feels much better. Boy, did she get him back. Boy, oh boy.

There is no more playing "Plush" tabs on the guitar or gazing out the window in the volleyball team van while listening to "Lightning Crashes." There is no more crying in the pink pillow. These are the new days when the pink wristband protects you from bleeding to death when you punch the mirror.

There is one who is different, though. The Christian Pop one. She doesn't trash anything. She just steals the old boyfriend's shirt from the beach, and takes pictures of other people wearing it. Then she puts the pictures in a box, drops them on his porch, and runs away giggling.

That's called sweet revenge.

Band: Stone Temple Pilots

48 wrote:Unfortunately, one could also describe a rapist as being very good at raping people.

I think we already have Crap/Not Crap threads for the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Modest Mouse...
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight nuttiness or mystical crap here.

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