Little details from your day

My ladyfriend lost her keys over a week ago and I've had to hand over the keys to my car. The reason is that she has a son, lives in Rogers Park, Works in the Loop and Daycares in Logan Square; which all makes absolutely no sense. She actually pulls this "well I guess we'll just take public transportation," like she's going to be able to do a 3 hour commute and still be functional.

I'm really pissed about it, but I don't think it's helping any. I just wish she'd get her shit together and get the key to her car replaced.
I've seen the bridges burning in the night.

Little details from your day


I just bought a pair of partridges from Selfridges Foodhall, but when I got them home and checked on them, the one on the left seemed to smell a bit more than gamey--in fact, it had that soapy smell that birds get when they've turned. I'll have to go buy another two now, which means going into town again for the second day running.

Whilst I was out and about, I bumped into my friend John who was delivering Christmas parcels for the Post Office. Salut John! You are a veritable Santa.

Little details from your day

I often wonder why the hell I even have a MySpace page. Then I remember it's because it's a good place to hear music from little-known bands all around the world. Got a message from an Italian heavy psychedelic band on my friend list telling me they had part of a new song up on their page. And it kicks ass.

Salut, internets!
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

Little details from your day

Ty Webb wrote:I often wonder why the hell I even have a MySpace page. Then I remember it's because it's a good place to hear music from little-known bands all around the world. Got a message from an Italian heavy psychedelic band on my friend list telling me they had part of a new song up on their page. And it kicks ass.

Salut, internets!

In a fit of boredom today I almost re-signed up and was only going to allow as 'friends' any and all russian/asian whores that happened to spam me. I may still do this.
geiginni wrote:How about commemorative clock celebrating glorious anniversary of dead heros of great patriotic NASCAR?

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